Home life


Having claimed incorrectlythe other day that telegrams have vanished off the face of the planet, it was with some surprise that I got home yesterday afternoon to find one in the mailbox.

Culture Home life

Who listens to the radio?

When driving my car, I’m now more informed about the world around me than I’ve ever been. Because my car radio can’t get FM anymore. So I’m on the talk stations… Radio National, 3LO (aka ABC Melbourne) and NewsRadio. Byebye PBS and TripleJ, unfortunately. NewsRadio in particular has been unexpectedly interesting. It’s probably deadly dull  ... [More]


Telegrams gone

Just wondering, now that telegrams have been phased out, what does the Queen send you now when you turn 100? An SMS? Something along the lines of: Congrats 2u Re 100 b’day. Rgds E2R Σ:-)

Food'n'drink Here is my Photos

Here is my microwave

Here is my aging Sharp Microwave. It was old when purchased — about ten years ago from some ex-government equipment auction, I think. My friends Josh and Cathy have exactly the same microwave, which makes me double-take when I visit them. It is much more reliable than my Sharp VCR proved to be. Naturally anything  ... [More]


Special offer!

TGIF. Somehow work seems even more laborious in an extra short week. Retail special offers I have managed to resist this week: Ian Thorpe was signing copies of his biography at Dymocks on Wednesday lunchtime. Uhh, no thanks. Look, Thorpee’s impressive, but there’s a lot of other books ahead in the queue before I’d read  ... [More]

Politics and activism

US elections

Much interest around Australia in the US elections. I suppose just like the Americans, we’re keen to know who will be leading our country for the next four years… The problems with electoral fraud do amuse me a little though. With these kinds of problems, is this really the shining light, the bastion of democracy?  ... [More]

Home life

Rain rain rain

Yesterday morning I checked my washing-line. Most of the washing was dry, so I brought it in, leaving only a damp couple of towels and a pair of jeans on the line. In the afternoon, the rain came down. I think now that it may be several weeks before they’re dry.

Home life Photos

Spring time

Ah, it’s spring time. (Happy Cup Day!) Apart from dodging rain and hail yesterday, I spent some time getting the clocks updated to summer time. Most were easy. The computers took care of themselves. The VCR was a cinch. The kitchen clock is analogue, so just needed winding on. Mobile phone, thank you once again  ... [More]


Kill Bill

Finally saw both volumes of Kill Bill over the weekend. Volume one… every martial arts film ever known meets The Holy Grail Black Knight meets Spaghetti Westerns. Maybe my sensitivity for such things is diminishing, or maybe it was because it was so completely over-the-top, but it wasn’t quite as violent as I expected it  ... [More]

Here is my Photos

Here is my washing machine

Here is my washing machine. I’m at DEFCON-3 with the washing machine actually. It’s been misbehaving the last few days, and I hope it’s not about to give up the ghost. Rather than the healthy whir and zoom of the spin cycle, it splutters and whirs without zooming. At least sometimes. Consequently it doesn’t dry  ... [More]


Girl’s eye for the straight guy

I’m not the most fashionable person on the planet, but I’m not the least either. Somewhere in the middle. I know I’m in the need for something of a wardrobe upgrade, and I’ll take any (good) advice I can get, especially in the casual clothes department. I think I’m okay at the business clobber, but  ... [More]


When the rain comes

Pouring rain, strong winds… yesterday was a good day to test the capabilities of your umbrella. I myself have a number of brollies. The new micro umbrella I keep in my briefcase is small enough to carry anywhere in a pocket, but not big enough to provide the best of protection from the elements. So  ... [More]