Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from May and June 2014

So busy recently that I didn’t get around to posting my usual ten year old photos last month, so here’s May and June 2014 combined into one post. The then-newish tram platform stops in Northcote on route 86. Quite narrow, I guess by necessity, but hopefully they do the job. Punt Road traffic. Always bad,  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from April 2014

Another in my series of ten year old photos, this time from April 2014. The removal of the Springvale level crossing and construction of the new station was nearing completion, but alongside the new station, some of the old station was still to be demolished. I went to the Williamstown railway museum for a nose  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from March 2014

I missed doing this last month: ten year old photos from March 2014. Expansion of the rules banning smoking around public transport were very welcome. No more having to dodge the smokers on the platform to find a spot with clear air while waiting for a train. One of the biggest transport policies announced by  ... [More]


Old photos from February 2014

It’s end of the month, so here’s another batch of photos from ten years ago: February 2014. The State Election was 7 months away, and Labor launched its “Homesafe” all-night weekend public transport initiative. They won, and this was introduced as PTV’s Night Network. The Bumblebee trams were still in their yellow livery from their  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago transport

Old photos from January 2014

Another on my series of photos from ten years ago: January 2014. What a stupid place to park – right in the middle of the tram stop Signs of climate change were evident in 2013. It’s not getting any better. Technically this was December 2013 – we had gone to the early fireworks. Plenty of  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago transport

Old photos from December 2013

Here’s another in my series of old photos from ten years ago – December 2013. Upgraded lighting at bus stops? Alas no – it was just an antique shop display adjacent to a bus stop. A less glamorous stop: the Elizabeth Street tram terminus – still lacking platform stops even in 2023. It was less  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from November 2013

Another in my regular series of posts of photos from ten years ago: covering November 2013. Train patronage was surging at this time, and it was obvious to passengers, with overcrowding at peak times. So with the crowding in mind, what was this new development at Flinders Street station? Additional capacity by reinstating platform 11?  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from October 2013

Another in my series of photos from ten years ago: October 2013. Travellers Aid had a fundraiser selling Myki card holders. I love the design of the top of the crown. Works in Elizabeth Street didn’t stop cars coming through the Bourke Street Mall, but it did stop them continuing westward, causing tram delays. …and  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from September 2013

Here’s another in my series of old photos from ten years ago: September 2013. William Street in Melbourne CBD was given a makeover in 2019-20 to install protected bike lanes and tram platform stops. But I found this photo from June 2013 (looking north from Collins Street) that appears to show them doing resurfacing works  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from August 2013

Another batch of old photos from ten years ago

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from July 2013

Last day of the month! Just time for my monthly post of old photos from ten years ago: July 2013.

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from June 2013

Oops, I missed posting these in June: old photos from ten years ago. I’ll zip through these and try and post the July set in July. Fog on Bourke Street. Big dual cab utes are not a new problem, though they’re unfortunately much more numerous now. The driver of this one did not cover themselves  ... [More]