
Damn that adware

Tony pointed me to an interesting article on Charles Wright’s Bleeblog about “Zero-Day holes” — security flaws that may have been in products forever, with not even the manufacturer knowing. Not entirely surprising I suppose. From time to time we hear of some research company telling us about the latest problem they’ve found in Windows  ... [More]

Film Health Home life

Weekend (more-or-less in order)

Crisis on Friday night when a certain girlfriend lost her handbag. It hasn’t shown up yet either. Perhaps the taxi driver liked the look of the two books contained within. And the glasses. Finally watched Bowling For Columbine. I can’t think of much to say about it than probably hasn’t been said before. I’ll just  ... [More]

Here is my Memes rule, pass it on Photos

My desk (at home)

I’m always more than willing to steal a good idea when I see it.


Gastronomic delights

Tempo. It must have made their day when ten of us tramped in off Degraves Street, followed by mild panic when no table proved quite big enough to accomodate us. But we managed to squeeze in somehow. The chef probably reacted with some incredulity when faced with seven orders for the Lasagne, whose reputation preceded  ... [More]

Geek Photos

Friday snippets

A flurry of activity at the school yesterday when I dropped the kids off, as a film crew had arrived to record a public service advert to go to air later in the year. SunSmart, or healthy eating, or exercise, one of those types of things. They had wheeled in actors to play the main  ... [More]


Virtual cleanup

Recently I was looking through a bunch of old floppy disks, having a bit of a cleanup, and found a bunch of old favourite sound files, which I thought I’d share. Most of them date back to a job in 1996…


E-mail overflow

There’s 847 messages in my e-mail Inbox. 70 of them are unread. I think this thing is getting out of hand. I need to spend a few hours one day clearing it out. One day. Not today.


Next / tipping

Neal Stephenson’s “Snow Crash” is next on my reading list. I’ll let you know what I think of it when I’ve got beyond the first page. I ummed and ahhed about my footy tips on Friday. I tipped Geelong, then on reading the paper I changed my mind and tipped Brisbane. Then I pondered if  ... [More]



Once Upon a Time in the Midlands (DVD). Some good acting (Robert Carlyle is rarely not), some funny moments (particularly Ricky Tomlinson), some poignant moments. But ultimately there was something lacking in this movie, and I don’t think it was just because some of the dialects weren’t quite intelligible. For instance, after the punch-up at  ... [More]

Culture Melbourne

Last night’s stuff

The experiment… well I stood and sat around at Flinders Street for about an hour all up, reading and re-reading the MX, and kept looking out for smokers. Not many about as it happens. Met up with the photographer at 6pm, and stood and sat around a bit more, posing for the camera. Flash, flash,  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Health Politics and activism

The guinea pig

Tonight I’ll spend an hour being a guinea-pig. The Sunday Herald-Sun have enlisted my help in researching the effects of passive smoking. My task is to sit on a station platform for an hour (better take a good book), not cringing away from smokers quite as much as I usually do, and then go and  ... [More]

books Home life TV Video games

Instant reviews

The Crow Road (Iain Banks). I just finished reading this. The ending nicely tied up the story, and it was a great read. I think for me one of the signs of a great writer is that Banks was able to throw up thoughts and concepts along the way that most would consider are thought-provoking  ... [More]