Food'n'drink Sport TV

The weekend

After watching last Monday’s final episode of The Sopranos, I started re-watching them from the beginning on DVD. Man they all look so young. Not just the kids. Still, it’s just as good seeing them the second time around. Did a few things off my To Do list this weekend, but the best one was  ... [More]

Health TV

My Foetus

It had plenty of warnings about content, but I pity anybody channel flicked onto My Foetus last night. My sister encouraged me to watch it in part because a friend of hers was involved in it. Initially I thought I wouldn’t watch it, but eventually relented, with the proviso that I’d turn it off if  ... [More]


Bada bing!

Heard a rumour on the grapevine earlier in the week that Sopranos DVDs can be found on special at the moment for about $35 per box set. I reckon it’s the best thing on TV at the moment, my favourite, so I dropped past JB’s tonight to pick them up. And there they were, seasons  ... [More]

Melbourne TV

G… you need a helping hand

Tonight it’s the Deb Conway gig at Tony & Rae’s house. Saturday the Belle & Sebastian concert. S’gonna be a very musical weekend. But on a completely topic, down at Southbank, by the same people who did the Doctor Who drawings, are the good Doctor’s 6-7pm ABC stablemates… The colours might be a little skewed  ... [More]

Health TV


I didn’t watch the life expectancy survey thing on Channel 7 last Sunday, though I see a minute or two while channel-flicking. It was showing reams of statistics, read out by an unseen host whose voice I thought I recognised, but who didn’t appear on-screen so I could work out if I was right or  ... [More]


Virtual cleanup

Recently I was looking through a bunch of old floppy disks, having a bit of a cleanup, and found a bunch of old favourite sound files, which I thought I’d share. Most of them date back to a job in 1996…

books Home life TV Video games

Instant reviews

The Crow Road (Iain Banks). I just finished reading this. The ending nicely tied up the story, and it was a great read. I think for me one of the signs of a great writer is that Banks was able to throw up thoughts and concepts along the way that most would consider are thought-provoking  ... [More]

Film Home life TV

Great moments of my weekend

Having a few good chuckles watching Goodbye Lenin on Friday night. Yummy meals: Thai on Friday night, pub on Saturday night, getting served breakfast in bed on Sunday morning, and a thoroughly delicious meal in Bendigo that made up for driving all that way in the wind and rain. Trying out my new dressing gown  ... [More]

Geek TV

Geek TV

Just watched Seven Wonders of the Industrial World. Historic geek TV goes prime time. It told of The Great Eastern, Brunel’s doomed gigantic ship. It was in the style of a dramatised documentary, with interviews of the major protagonists as the story unfolded, and didn’t shy away from mentioning the horrific toll of industrial accidents  ... [More]

Consumerism TV


So I was looking in eBay at XBox games. Nothing that really grabbed me at a price that was enough below the retail to make it compelling. But at the bottom of the screen was one of those computerised guess things, where they have a wild stab in the dark about other items you might  ... [More]

Geek TV

Aga and VCRs

Where did these bloody Aga stove things come from? I assume they’re a peculiarly British brand of wanky gourmet stove, because I’ve never seen or heard of them in Australia. Yet they’ve shown up in the last two novels I’ve read, plus had the piss taken out of them in Posh Nosh. I’m afraid I’m  ... [More]

Film Health Melbourne TV

The weekend

Bloody, Movie, Buffy, Drivey, Greenie, Footy.