TV USA 1996 ????

News in the USA

Following the air disaster in Florida, it’s time for the FAA to start asking the hard questions: Who in their right mind would choose to fly on an airline with a name as tacky as “ValuJet”? Actually, while in America, we heard of what would have to rate as the silliest air crash ever. I’m  ... [More]


Not Australia’s Most Wanted

Australia’s Most Wanted man, Brett Maston, is no longer most wanted – in fact he’s now "The Criminal Formerly Known As Most Wanted". They caught him over the weekend in Perth. Lucky the Victorian police didn’t get to him first or he’d probably have been shot. But there’s something I don’t understand. Last week his  ... [More]


Video tapes

It’s time to admit that I too many video tapes. Far too many. So many, in fact, that it’s too much of an effort to count them so I can tell you how many there are. It’s… it’s… somewhere around the region of… um… 300. Yes, three hundred. <DEFENSIVE MODE> Look, I don’t know how  ... [More]