Seen on Elizabeth Street at lunchtime: They’re special posters for the opening of the Titanic exhibition at the Melbourne Museum.
Seen on Elizabeth Street at lunchtime: They’re special posters for the opening of the Titanic exhibition at the Melbourne Museum.
This is what appeared on The Age’s home page this morning (with my additions). They explained that thereâs a new video tab, which youâll see when the lead story is best told in video. Eh? How is Ultimate Fighting in any way to be regarded as the lead story? Unless Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott ... [More]
Superb! Charlie Brooker on what makes a generic TV news report: (via Mumbrella)
If you’ve wondered how many people read the magazines you see in the newsagent, here’s the figures. The only magazine I subscribe to, Australian Personal Computer, is sitting at 34,111, down 8% in the last year. Perhaps IT-related mags are more likely to be dropping with competition from online, though what caught my eye was ... [More]