News and events Sport

Last night’s AFL match result – nowhere to be found in The Age paper edition?

I get The Age delivered on weekends. On Saturdays in particular it’s good to lazily read its numerous sections in the morning. So I picked it up wanting to know who won the football last night: Richmond or Fremantle? I just want to know if I tipped it right. Sometimes they have the score on  ... [More]

Consumerism News and events

The last weekday of @TheAge as a broadsheet – I won’t miss it

I don’t read The Age in paper form everyday, but when I do, it’s either on the weekend where I can spread out as much as I like (so broadsheet is fine, though the smaller format of the supplements is fine too), or on weekdays on the train, where the broadsheet format is extremely awkward  ... [More]

Ranting transport

Today’s factually incorrect Myki rant article in The Age didn’t help

I didn’t think I’d write two Myki blog posts in one day, but… Let me briefly go through the mistakes in this opinion article from The Age today then I’ll get to the real point of this post. ”If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, goes the old adage. The claim in government circles is  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

My cousin’s in town (and a proverb updated for the 21st century)

I can’t tell you what a pleasure it is to have my cousin Justin in town. He grew up in Brisbane, then Newcastle, before moving to Perth, so we barely saw him when growing up. He moved to Melbourne a couple of weeks ago, and is now settling into his new flat and job here.  ... [More]


The Age’s Liveability survey – and where it fell down on transport (Service quality matters more than infrastructure)

The Age last Friday released its liveability survey of Melbourne suburbs. Top five were pretty predictable: South Yarra, East Melbourne, Armadale, Hawthorn East, and Toorak. From what I can tell, it’s an update to a survey done in 2005, using the same methodology. This time however they didn’t put out the full breakdown of figures,  ... [More]

Consumerism Culture

Sunday Age “outperforms the rest”

I’m always amused when one of the newspapers crows about the latest circulation figures. THE Sunday Age continues to be the best-performing metropolitan newspaper in Australia, according to the latest circulation figures. The newspaper recorded the best year-on-year growth to September 2011 of any daily, Saturday or Sunday newspaper in the country. — Sunday Age:  ... [More]

PTUA transport

Some reading for Cup Day

The Public Transport Users Association has outlined the extent of this maze in a diagram showing the many agencies, quangos, private companies and safety bodies running the state’s public transport. — The Age Here is the diagram: Read the full feature article at The Age: The Great Disconnect. PS. Given part of the article was  ... [More]


The middle of nowhere

This is where one of Melbourne’s busiest buses terminates. The 630, in the middle of Elsternwick Park, between the skate park* and the golf course, and blocking the westbound bike lane. (Source: Nearmap) The closest shops are a few hundred metres away. It’s 800 metres (as the crow flies) to the nearest railway station, and  ... [More]


Sunday Life

Sometime last year one of the magazines that came with The Sunday Age, Sunday Life, changed its formula. I used to find at least something interesting while flicking through it. Since the change, nothing. I was thinking that it had turned into a women’s magazine. One only has to look at the author names of  ... [More]

Net News and events

The Age’s new home page

This is what appeared on The Age’s home page this morning (with my additions). They explained that thereโ€™s a new video tab, which youโ€™ll see when the lead story is best told in video. Eh? How is Ultimate Fighting in any way to be regarded as the lead story? Unless Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott  ... [More]


The Age is moving

It’s just not a pretty building, 250 Spencer Street. It’s hard to believe it was ever considered to be so. The Age is moving this weekend, out of this brown monstrosity and into the new building on the other side of Southern Cross Station. Hopefully the move goes smoothly for them, and the new place  ... [More]


The benefits of WestLink

Letter in The Age today from Tim Pallas, Roads and Ports Minister: I AM happy to assure people (Letters, 5/12) that 1000 homes will certainly not be acquired for the WestLink project. The Government recently announced a $10 million study to work with the community to develop the best location for the tunnel and road.  ... [More]