driving transport

M1 blocked, sky falls in

While I realise the shutdown of the M1 eastbound on Tuesday was probably misery for those caught up in it, the lengthy article on it in yesterday’s Age I think vastly overstates the impact. The article basically has the road lobby saying that the whole thing doesn’t work (and the $1.4 billion of improvements won’t  ... [More]


LED traffic lights

If you’ve wondered about the LEDs being increasingly used for traffic lights, apparently they use 60% less energy. They also last about ten times longer than conventional bulbs. I assume the design, which includes a whole bunch of individual LEDs, also allows for some redundancy, so some can fail but the entire light doesn’t stop  ... [More]

PTUA transport

Fining lots of people is not the solution to fare evasion

Melbourne’s tram operator also set a target of catching more than 60,000 commuters over a nine-month period. — Herald Sun, 11/9/2009, “Tram inspectors pushed to meet their quotas“ See, after all these years, they’re still going about it the wrong way. I don’t think the deterrent of fines is really working. The measure of success  ... [More]


Cool wheels

Very cool. It’s like the Cadillac of bikes. Just the thing for a spin down to the beach.


Back to the future?

Back to the future? New ticketing system with a distinctive new name and look to start… in late-1994!


Gosh, how exciting

Gosh, how exciting. We’re getting a Metro. Well, that is, we’re getting something called a Metro. …and a new logo on the trams! Wow! Animation! Motherhood statements! Trams that look like Melbourne Citadis trams, but can’t be because they have more doors! Trains that don’t stop anywhere, but must be real because they make the  ... [More]


They can’t perform miracles

Contrary to what some people seem to think, in December when Connex are gone and the new operator starts, miracles will not occur. Girl to friend on train: “I can’t wait till the Japanese take over Connex. We can then get to Frankston from the city in, like, five minutes in the bullet train. It’ll  ... [More]


Notes from the commute

Amusing personalised number plate: “AMLOST”. Heh. One day, train commuters are going to revolt, form guerrilla groups (which have absolutely nothing to do with me) which strike in the middle of the night, putting back all the “Stand on left / Walk on right” escalator signs. In the mean time, if you’re standing on the  ... [More]



Subway — noun — Australian/British English — underground walkway, tunnel for pedestrians. Subway — noun — North American English — An underground railway. There’s some quite witty lyrics in there that went totally over my head when I was a kid, reflecting perhaps the love-hate relationship many users have with busy railways.

Consumerism transport

Advertising PT on PT

Advertising on public transport is big business. In Melbourne around 360,000 people a day use the train system for starters… and buses and trams get spotted on the road by many more. Personally I don’t mind the ads if they’re not intrusive. They help subsidise the system. I wonder how it works when advertising on  ... [More]


The ebb and flow of Melbourne trains

This is cool: it’s a representation of Melbourne’s trains across the day, and from a cursory look, appears to be pretty accurate to the timetable (possibly more so than the actual trains!). Ebb and Flow of Melbourne Trains by Flink Labs from Flink Labs on Vimeo. From a mob called Flink Labs, who explain how  ... [More]


The new trains

All the TV media, and some other outlets, last night ran stories about the 38 new trains coming (the first at the end of this year), and how they’ll only run on part of the network. Channel 9 story ABC Online I thought it was a curious angle to take, as it’s not really all  ... [More]