
Bike hire scheme: BYO helmet!

I said in May I had my doubts about the bike hire scheme for central Melbourne. Well, it’s been announced that the RACV will run it, and it’ll involve 600 bikes across 50 sites in the City of Melbourne. There’s some irony to RACV running a bike hire scheme. I guess it’s another thing to  ... [More]

Retrospectives transport

Hector the Cat

Teaching kids to cross the road safely is a matter of laying out the basic rules, and continual practice. I’d thought over the years it might be easier if the Hector The Cat song was still run on TV, as the lyrics helps make it easy to remember what to do. Happily, thanks to YouTube,  ... [More]

If Daniel was emperor of the world transport

Stupid grunty cars

Here’s a draft of a bulletin I’ll send out at some stage after I’ve taken over as Grand Emperor of the World and established my benevolent dictatorship. Dear owners of stupid grunty noisy cars, I hereby decree that you have three choices for your stupid grunty noisy cars: 1. You may, at your expense, have  ... [More]


Myki’s biggest problem?

This was a number 96 tram in Bourke Street on Friday afternoon: Similar scenes are seen in morning peak around much of the tram network, during the lunchtime rush in the CBD, as well as the evening peak, as well as weekends. Now imagine it with Myki: everyone touching-on and off their cards as they  ... [More]


Making your argument count

“That is right, 38 new trains, pity they are only 3 carriages long instead of 6 like our current trains. I guess that means we paid double.” — Comment on the Herald Sun web site Seriously, where do people get these ideas? It’s complete garbage. “Thirty eight X’Trapolis six-car sets will be rolled-out from late  ... [More]


Why do people sometimes not revalidate?

From time to time you’ll see someone having a whinge that they got on a tram and nobody bought a ticket or validated one, and therefore they must all be freeloaders. For example these comments on the Herald Sun web site: On every tram i board, only one person out of the 30 on there  ... [More]


The FKN line is stuffed again

From time to time I’ll rant on Twitter about the FKN (Frankston — it’s an official code) line being stuffed. After a few months of pretty good performance right around the rail network, the past week has seen a marked decline. Pulling together info from Connex’s Twitter feed and SMS alerts, and excluding a medical  ... [More]


A day on the trains

It occured to me that a lot is going to change in public transport in the next few months. Connex is on the way out, to be replaced by MTM trading as Metro. Metcard will be phased out in favour of


A whole bunch more on Myki

The billion-dollar-plus Myki ticketing system is slowly moving forward. They’re expecting it to be switched on (at least in part) in Melbourne by the end of the year, followed by V/Line sometime next year. It already runs on regional town buses in Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, Seymour and the Latrobe Valley. Interestingly there are apparently no  ... [More]


Updates: still confusing, and getting worse

Secret tramways business The secret route numbers are getting worse on Collins Street. It looks like a 47 is a shortened 109, to Kew Depot, presumably via Victoria Street. A 29? Not sure, maybe a shortened 48. Does that mean it goes via Bridge Road? Not sure. And if the 29 and the 47 both  ... [More]

books transport

The Example

The Example, by Tom Taylor and Colin Wilson (published by Gestalt Books), might be the first graphic novel to be set entirely within the confines of Flinders Street Station. It’s a short but thought-provoking read, combining a most-of-Western-world issue — paranoia over terrorism — with a more decidedly local Melbourne issue: the trains. Speaking of  ... [More]


No, Public transport should not be free

Free CBD PT? DUMB IDEA. That would benefit those who drive in, to the detriment of the rest of us.