News and events Sport

Wrapping up the week

Santoro’s out. I think it’s kind of a shame. It’s rare that the Australian parliament can boast his level of alliteration. He wasn’t just Santo Santoro, he was Senator Santo Santoro. A few months ago I mentioned theories about fluoride improving dental health. Now a study has concluded that yes, it’s made a big difference.  ... [More]

Clothes Working life

Jacket required

Following up from yesterday… In many cities, it’s common for white-collar male workers to wear shirt+tie, though casual Friday is becoming more popular in some companies. For some people, it appears that even the suit jacket is compulsory, including on the hottest days. From what I can see, this primarily seems to include (male) politicians  ... [More]

Clothes Working life

Runners for the commute

I can understand why some white-collar women wear runners on their commute given how uncomfortable and impractical some of the shoes they wear around the office look. I don’t understand why some men feel the same way though. It’s not like they wear platform shoes or high heels at work. (Unless their work is odder  ... [More]


Reminder to self

Don’t forget. Must remember. Don’t forget. Must remember. Yearly ticket runs out tomorrow. Yearly ticket runs out tomorrow. Yearly ticket runs out tomorrow. Yearly ticket runs out tomorrow. Maybe I’ll just put the next ticket in my wallet right now.

Home life

Out goes the couch

It’s hard rubbish week. Not even anybody on Freecycle wanted my ratty old couch, so out it goes. I let the kids run riot on it yesterday after we took it out onto the nature strip. By this morning, various other bits and pieces of crap, including my mum’s old broken washing machine, had been  ... [More]


Long weekend

Ah, it’s the long weekend… perfect for sleeping in, reading the paper, lazing around the house and… updating your blog. I’m doing some tweaks, to upgrade the software (to get anti-spam filters working properly; you should see the amount of comment spam I get), fiddle with the template etc. So if you notice it looking  ... [More]

Health TMI


Warning: This post has been flagged TMI (Too Much Information). You have been warned. Hair on my head gets lopped off by the barber every month or two; whenever it seems to long (getting wavy at the top is usually the indicator for me) and I have the inclination to stop looking like a long-haired  ... [More]



Bullbars have a legitimate use in some rural areas, where threats such as kangaroos and other wildlife can do significant damage to a car and its occupants. In urban areas though, they’re a menace, significantly increasing the chances of injury and death to other car occupants, cyclists and pedestrians. Given that 90 percent of 4WDs  ... [More]

Melbourne Retrospectives

Commutes of my youth

When I were a lad, my sister and I walked to primary school with our friends — at least in the upper part of primary school; I don’t recall the first few years; I assume my mum walked with us, though she’s said a friend in the same block used to occasionally drive us. But  ... [More]

Melbourne News and events

Clean up your suburb

Was out and about on Sunday. It was Clean Up Australia Day. Not apparent that anybody was actually cleaning up, and I saw more scrap newspaper in the street than in quite some time. I know they tend to concentrate on parks and beaches and so on, and often for bigger problems than litter. All  ... [More]

Doctor Who dreams

The zombie dream

Jeremy, Isaac and I were being chased by kind of zombie-type things, that on-touch would change you from human into their kind. It was a bit like a cross between Shaun of the Dead and Rise of the Cybermen. Somehow I knew it was a dream, but we kept on running. Isaac nearly got caught,  ... [More]


Look where that train’s going

I didn’t doctor this image. That train really was apparently going to “COFFEE STOP”. (It should have been going to Traralgon or thereabouts.)