
Myki – confusion reigns!

JOHN Brumby has defended ticket changes to public transport that will see commuters paying more for late trains, trams and buses. — Herald Sun Let’s just be absolutely clear about this: IT DOES NOT APPLY TO TRAINS. It’s only an issue for trams and buses. Let’s say you have a ticket that runs out at  ... [More]


Getting ready for Myki

The Myki Mates (or Myki Mutes, as on seasoned observer called them, given their reluctance to talk to anybody just yet; perhaps they’ve been ordered to not speak unless spoken to) are out and about at CBD stations. All the machines have been turned on, which means those of us who were mischieviously holding up  ... [More]

PTUA transport

The Metcard mess, and what Metlink does

I was going to write a blog post about yesterday’s Metcard kerfuffle, in particular pointing out that despite my initial speculation, the Transport Act only requires passengers to make a reasonable attempt to buy and validate your ticket. It doesn’t require you to buy another ticket if yours doesn’t work, carry spare change, plead with  ... [More]


Myki’s biggest problem?

This was a number 96 tram in Bourke Street on Friday afternoon: Similar scenes are seen in morning peak around much of the tram network, during the lunchtime rush in the CBD, as well as the evening peak, as well as weekends. Now imagine it with Myki: everyone touching-on and off their cards as they  ... [More]


Why do people sometimes not revalidate?

From time to time you’ll see someone having a whinge that they got on a tram and nobody bought a ticket or validated one, and therefore they must all be freeloaders. For example these comments on the Herald Sun web site: On every tram i board, only one person out of the 30 on there  ... [More]


A whole bunch more on Myki

The billion-dollar-plus Myki ticketing system is slowly moving forward. They’re expecting it to be switched on (at least in part) in Melbourne by the end of the year, followed by V/Line sometime next year. It already runs on regional town buses in Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, Seymour and the Latrobe Valley. Interestingly there are apparently no  ... [More]


Updates: still confusing, and getting worse

Secret tramways business The secret route numbers are getting worse on Collins Street. It looks like a 47 is a shortened 109, to Kew Depot, presumably via Victoria Street. A 29? Not sure, maybe a shortened 48. Does that mean it goes via Bridge Road? Not sure. And if the 29 and the 47 both  ... [More]


No, Public transport should not be free

Free CBD PT? DUMB IDEA. That would benefit those who drive in, to the detriment of the rest of us.

PTUA transport

Fining lots of people is not the solution to fare evasion

Melbourne’s tram operator also set a target of catching more than 60,000 commuters over a nine-month period. — Herald Sun, 11/9/2009, “Tram inspectors pushed to meet their quotas“ See, after all these years, they’re still going about it the wrong way. I don’t think the deterrent of fines is really working. The measure of success  ... [More]


Back to the future?

Back to the future? New ticketing system with a distinctive new name and look to start… in late-1994!


Gosh, how exciting

Gosh, how exciting. We’re getting a Metro. Well, that is, we’re getting something called a Metro. …and a new logo on the trams! Wow! Animation! Motherhood statements! Trams that look like Melbourne Citadis trams, but can’t be because they have more doors! Trains that don’t stop anywhere, but must be real because they make the  ... [More]


Notes from the commute

Amusing personalised number plate: “AMLOST”. Heh. One day, train commuters are going to revolt, form guerrilla groups (which have absolutely nothing to do with me) which strike in the middle of the night, putting back all the “Stand on left / Walk on right” escalator signs. In the mean time, if you’re standing on the  ... [More]