Health TMI


Those Swiss Army knife people certainly know how to make knives. Very sharp knives. While using one of their kitchen knives earlier in the week, I carelessly took a small chunk out of my thumb. Be warned: slightly gory picture ahead.


Kitchen tip: don’t buy peelers with magnetic handles. They’re just annoying.

Kitchen tip: don’t buy peelers with magnetic handles. It might seem like it’s a cool idea, but actually they’re just annoying; having them stick to other things is not at all useful.


Tales of domestic dullness: The kitchen timer

One of the most useful (and used) things in our kitchen is our timer. Apart from timing during cooking, we also use it to ensure we brush our teeth for a full two minutes in the evening (it’s become a kind of ritual), and for things like ensuring Isaac’s keyboard practice is long enough. Once  ... [More]

Consumerism Home life

The broken dishwasher

Oh great. The other day while opening the dishwasher, a “sproing” sound was heard, and now the door’s springy thing doesn’t work — that is, once open, it just drops down to horizontal with gravity, rather than a gentle drop or springing back towards closed like it was before. And it triggered an F1 alarm,  ... [More]

Home life


And now for something completely different. Glasses. I’ve got a few different types of glasses in my kitchen, many of them remnants from previous collections. From left to right: (1) These used to come as IXL jam jars. You’d use up the jam, dispose of the label and the lid, and get to keep the  ... [More]


Old food

I’m amazed at the range of old things that I’d obviously bought, used a little of, then forgotten about, that I found in the back of the cupboard this morning while looking for sultanas. Croutons, Best Before Jan 2008 Self-raising flour, BB Jul 2007 (there’s another newer one elsewhere) Vita Wheat Biscuits, BB Sep 2007,  ... [More]