
Recycled tissues vanish

It would seem that my favourite brand of tissue — the only recycled ones on sale — has disappeared from the supermarket shelves — both Coles and Safeway. I do switch to the softer Kleenex’s (non-recycled) aloe-vera and eucalyptus tissues at times of extreme snottiness, but for daily use the recycled tissues are pretty good.  ... [More]


Sale time is over

Well, the end-of-financial-year sale season has drawn to a close, so it’s time to re-count the bargain buys of the last couple of weeks, and start dreading next month’s credit card bill. A new suit from my favourite expressive expensive but nice businessy-wear shop (I’ve had nice trousers and jackets before, but this is my  ... [More]

Melbourne Photos transport

Foggy station

Oh. Just found this rather similar picture from 1997 to compare to:


Dear Daniel Davidson Bowen

Dear Daniel Davidson Bowen aged 9, Re: your comments: cancel this website i’m daniel bowen age nine and my birthday is pon july 21 you idiot — Comment by daniel davidson bowen — Wed 29 June 2005 @ 18:56 i hate you i am daniel bowen — Comment by daniel davidson bowen — Wed 29  ... [More]


Hot bodies

A mass of bodies. Up close. Pushing together. We move as one. Moving faster… faster… don’t stop, we’re almost there… Man this train is crowded. Update 9pm: Rather too prophetic. An incident at South Yarra concerning a “trespasser” at about 5pm delayed a whole bunch of trains by 20+ minutes, resulting in more sardine-like conditions.  ... [More]

Clothes Here is my

Here is my new suit

Here is my rather nice new (rather expensive) suit, seen over a startlingly bright red shirt I bought recently. (Rather more RED than I saw in the shop, admittedly.) What clothing have you bought recently? Leave a comment or a trackback.

Melbourne Politics and activism

Cheap power for all!

The Essential Services Commission draft decision on power prices wants price cuts to electricity. Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea? Provide more concessions to those on low incomes, sure, but across the board price cuts? How is that meant to encourage people to use less power? Remember, the bulk  ... [More]


Car hassles 2

So I was on my way home last night, after a lovely day and doing the grocery shopping. A closed road and a detour on the way, but I manage to find my way around that. I decide since it’s quiet at the local petrol station, I’ll fill up. Is Sunday night the cheapest time  ... [More]

driving Ranting

Car hassles 1

This note on my windscreen this morning: Dear whoever you are, Tell you what, I’ll do you a couple of favours. Firstly I won’t park in front of your house anymore. It’s not that appealing anyway. I don’t know what the hell you’ve done to your nature strip, which resembles an overgrown miniature botanic gardens,  ... [More]

Home life

Somebody else’s family history

I was moseying around the innanet the other day and came across this: Did it ever occur to you that in our Bowen blood there is something of rashness. I see it in myself and my brothers. We tend to be radicals. I am not going back on that tendency. It is good only it  ... [More]



Okay, this New Year’s resolution isn’t really happening: To consistently get 8 hours’ sleep a night. Last night I got to bed appallingly late for a school night. Ditto on Wednesday, and I forgot to set the alarm, so I (and everyone else) woke on Thursday morning around 8am. Still managed to get us all  ... [More]

Culture Film

Both ends of the cultural spectrum

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I used to like Jay and Silent Bob, and rejoiced when it was first announced they would have their own movie. But now I’ve finally seen it… well, either I’ve matured or they are best seen in small doses, ‘cos I didn’t think this was up to much at  ... [More]