When we will have a safer, modern, fully accessible tram network?
PT access to Centrelink
How easy is it to access Centrelink offices by public transport?
Bank-issued cards for fare payment would largely resolve a multitude of problems
Electric cooking
Trying out cooking with electricity instead of gas
Spaced out
A small win for spelling and consistency in Glen Huntly
Marking 10 years of posting 10 year old photos, with one from 30 years ago.
Airport rail myths
Airport rail myths and infrastructure priorities
Bus PID improvements
A small but useful upgrade
Something went wrong
If you try and browse the PTV web site over the long weekend for a timetable, you might see this: “Something went wrong, please try refreshing the page”. There are two problems here. Firstly, the error is wildly misleading. You can try to keep refreshing the page right through the long weekend. It won’t work ... [More]
I was exploring when I found this very fine accessible bus stop near Yarraman station, in Railway Parade. Two routes serve it, but it’s in a residential area, and is not a major stop. Phillip Mallis’s bus stop patronage map showed it got 8 boardings a day in 2017-19. Looking at the site on Google ... [More]
Here’s another post of photos from ten years ago – this time March 2013. A Parkiteer Map was published in MX and it was a doozy for errors. A few to see just in this little glimpse. Spelling mistakes, lines in the wrong place, lines strung together… it had it all. A Hitachi train arrives ... [More]
This new TV series portrays issues (including transport) from a teenager’s perspective