Trying out cooking with electricity instead of gas
Electric cooking

Trying out cooking with electricity instead of gas
M+J were clearing out some old cook books, and found this gem. It’s not dated, but it does have a decimal price, so it must be post-February 1966. Perhaps not far after though, judging from the style. Much of it is in black and white, but here are a few choice colour pages… And one ... [More]
Love a bit of cultural satire. Via Nathan I found the article Stuff Melbourne white people like. Some funny stuff, and since I’m a bit light-on for writing my own blog content this week, here are some excerpts: The Monthly: Buying a subscription to The Monthly for the object of your affections is tantamount to ... [More]
One of the things the nurse said at the workplace health check a couple of weeks ago was about including a variety of fruit and vegetable in my diet. And she said “Even beans on toast.” You beauty! That there is an official recommendation to cook one of the laziest, least effort meals known to ... [More]