
PTV: it’s more than just rebranding, but will it make a difference?

Much of the tram and bus stop signage around the CBD was modified over the weekend, with PTV (Public Transport Victoria) logos replacing the Metlink logos. And the Metlink web site now forwards to a reskinned (but essentially identical, so far) PTV web site. But it would be a mistake to assume this is just  ... [More]


Getting through the Myki pain: time to rip off the bandaid

The Age Online reports this morning gates at Flagstaff were opened to clear long queues that had backed up to the escalators. This has also happened several times at Parliament and Southern Cross recently. It’s a combination of growing patronage, new Myki users swiping or rubbing instead of touching and holding still, and old Metcard  ... [More]

Doctor Who transport

My blabbering in the TARDIS

Deep within the bowels of the ABC studios at Southbank… …there is a Triple J studio called “TARDIS”. Well, recording booths. I discovered that they’re not bigger on the inside. I was there the other day at lunchtime. My blabbering has shown up as part of a Triple J “Hack” story on the costs of  ... [More]


Dear TTA: You really must put in more Myki readers at Mckinnon station

I haven’t had time to step off the train myself, but thanks to the miracle of slow-motion, here’s the queue for the only Myki reader on the main platform at Mckinnon last night. It appears there are six people queuing up, plus another using the reader. I see about that many queuing every PM-peak these  ... [More]


Myki myths 2: Everybody always has to touch-off, every single time, or they’ll be penalised – Nope.

I know of people saying the only thing they don’t like about Myki is the requirement to touch-off. This is particularly a problem at suburban stations in the evening peak. Some stations end up with queues due to inadequate numbers of readers. There are three main situations where it doesn’t matter if you don’t touch-off.  ... [More]


Does Yarra Trams think we’re all nine feet tall?

Some people do need reminding that you should let people off before barging on yourself, so it makes sense to put some reminders on the trams. Unfortunately they’re so high up that few people are likely to even notice them. From the looks of it they’ve been placed to be adjacent the internal “rhino” stickers  ... [More]


Myki myths 1: There’s no “unlimited use” option – oh yes there is

Metcard weekly and monthly tickets won’t be available for sale from this Sunday (though you’ll still be able to use them if you have them). Myki’s equivalent to Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Metcard tickets is Myki pass, which gives unlimited travel on the days paid for. The pricing of a Metcard Weekly is identical to  ... [More]


Regional Rail Link works continue

There’s a good view from North Melbourne station of the works on the new Regional Rail Link line that will come in from Sunshine and the western suburbs, bypassing North Melbourne (unfortunately, with no interchange platforms) into Southern Cross. The idea is that V/Line trains will be able to bypass the suburban tracks, allowing both  ... [More]


Pic: real Retro trains!

I mocked up a fake ‘Retro Trains’ a couple of years ago, but this morning I spotted a real one: Yeah, not a great pic; had to whip out the phone and snap it super-fast. One suspects this was an unofficial modification of the usual logo.


Steamrail open day

I haven’t been to one of Steamrail’s open days before, but went along with my sister, her kids, and some friends. I was most amused to find my nephew Leo happily shouting out engine numbers as they steamed past. I might have to get him an anorak and clipboard for his next birthday. On a  ... [More]


Will the Frankston line be Australia’s first metro?

The train to Pakenham on a recent Saturday afternoon, about 5pm: Finally this looks to be fixed, at least on the Frankston, Dandenong and Ringwood lines, with trains to run every 10 minutes between 10am and 7pm on weekends. This is genuinely good news, and although the extra padding going into the timetable is a  ... [More]


What do you think of the Easy Access tram stop in Macarthur Street?

This is the new “Easy Access” tram stop in Macarthur Street. It’s not the first of its type — there’s been one in Albert Park for some years. But it’s the first on a moderately busy street, and it’s claimed it could be the new model for providing accessible tram stops around Melbourne. I think  ... [More]