
Regional Rail Link works continue

There’s a good view from North Melbourne station of the works on the new Regional Rail Link line that will come in from Sunshine and the western suburbs, bypassing North Melbourne (unfortunately, with no interchange platforms) into Southern Cross. The idea is that V/Line trains will be able to bypass the suburban tracks, allowing both  ... [More]


Pic: real Retro trains!

I mocked up a fake ‘Retro Trains’ a couple of years ago, but this morning I spotted a real one: Yeah, not a great pic; had to whip out the phone and snap it super-fast. One suspects this was an unofficial modification of the usual logo.


Steamrail open day

I haven’t been to one of Steamrail’s open days before, but went along with my sister, her kids, and some friends. I was most amused to find my nephew Leo happily shouting out engine numbers as they steamed past. I might have to get him an anorak and clipboard for his next birthday. On a  ... [More]


Will the Frankston line be Australia’s first metro?

The train to Pakenham on a recent Saturday afternoon, about 5pm: Finally this looks to be fixed, at least on the Frankston, Dandenong and Ringwood lines, with trains to run every 10 minutes between 10am and 7pm on weekends. This is genuinely good news, and although the extra padding going into the timetable is a  ... [More]


What do you think of the Easy Access tram stop in Macarthur Street?

This is the new “Easy Access” tram stop in Macarthur Street. It’s not the first of its type — there’s been one in Albert Park for some years. But it’s the first on a moderately busy street, and it’s claimed it could be the new model for providing accessible tram stops around Melbourne. I think  ... [More]


Some operators DO know how to advertise frequent services

I’ve droned on and on about the importance of frequency in public transport services. I recently pondered why Metro don’t promote their every-10-minutes service from Newport via the City to Frankston. Some of the operators do understand that waiting time is critical, and do advertise when they put on extra services, and/or run frequent services.  ... [More]


Why sometimes there’s a constant stream of counter-peak trains

Sometimes it seems there are way more trains running in the counter-peak direction than the peak… particularly towards the end of the morning peak, and before the evening peak. This is because there’s little train stabling in the central city area, so most trains have to be sent back to the burbs between the peaks.  ... [More]


Something missed at PSO training? Stand on the left!

The first Protective Service Officers started duty tonight at Flinders Street and Southern Cross Stations. They may not be the best solution to public transport security, but I’m sure passengers will welcome them, and wish them luck. Yes, PSOs get less training than police. That’s because they have more restricted powers (limited to railway stations  ... [More]

Consumerism transport

Myki machines always round prices up, to the next 10 cents

MX got to this before I blogged it. This issue is around Myki Pass (the equivalent fare to a Metcard Monthly/Yearly, but available for any number from 28 to 365 days). To calculate the Pass cost, you take the Myki Pass per day rate (eg zone 1 $4.02) and multiply by the number of days  ... [More]


The Metro emergency gate that wasn’t

I noted this about a month ago. The idea of an emergency gate in the Elizabeth Street subway at Flinders Street Station seemed like a good one, but it seemed doubtful that the automatic release would include the padlock. So I tweeted: Ok. I have my doubts that this emergency exit *padlock* is automatic, @MetroTrains  ... [More]


A genuine benefit of Myki: Auto topup, set and forget

Myki has well-known problems. It’s been an incredibly long saga to get it running, and to the point now where it’s pretty reliable and the government is confident enough to push ahead with phasing-out Metcard. The cost to taxpayers has been huge. Touching on and off can be fiddly, particularly in a crowd and particularly  ... [More]

Politics and activism transport

Anti-Baillieu flyers spotted this morning around Bentleigh

These anonymous flyers appear to have popped up overnight (at least I didn’t spot them yesterday) around Bentleigh station. (Note another similar pink one in the background on the small pole opposite.) I might note that since the 2010 timetable was introduced (and the tweaks in 2011), the morning commute is slower, but I for  ... [More]