
Four of the top ten busiest “rail stations” are tram stops

Official data shows the busiest railway stations and tram stops


Touring Arden station

Thanks to the Metro tunnel team (specifically the guys at Cross Yarra Partnership) I managed to get a ticket to the tour of Arden station held yesterday. Arden Station is named after nearby Arden Street, and will be located in a new urban renewal precinct of the same name. The station will be between Footscray  ... [More]

The week in transport transport

Free PT? Still not the main game

Free public transport is back in the news this week. In the wake of high petrol prices, the Victorian Greens have proposed it to help provide relief and switch people onto public transport. In recent weeks, New Zealand has halved its public transport fares for three months, and Tasmania has made theirs free for five  ... [More]


Vic PT patronage: Monthly data now published

I’ve written before that Victoria (and Melbourne) was the only major jurisdiction in the country not publishing patronage data more regularly than once a year. Well, kudos to the Department of Transport: just recently they started publishing monthly patronage data, alongside updated annual station entry data for Metro and V/Line. (I know Philip Mallis had  ... [More]


A peek at the Metro Tunnel western portal

Sometimes my walks take me to interesting places. On Saturday while walking in South Kensington, I found myself at the site of the Metro Tunnel’s western portal. To my surprise, there was nobody around, no signage saying to stay out, and no closed gate. So I peeked around the corner to snap some photos of  ... [More]



Good information is vital on public transport, but so often it’s incomplete or incorrect


Train map: frequency

There’s a good map doing the rounds showing the sections of the Sydney Trains network that run every 10 minutes on weekdays off-peak. Bambul has expanded this into a blog post, which also includes another map of 15 minute frequencies. A couple of people asked if there was a Melbourne version of the 10 minute  ... [More]


Melbourne’s most confusing train timetable

Between Richmond and Ringwood there are a staggering 13 stopping patterns within a 6 hour period each weekday.


PT patronage in our biggest cities

Obviously, travel demand in cities is in turmoil just at the moment, but leaving the 2020-2022 blip aside for a minute, and looking again at pre-COVID travel in cities… As a follow-up to comparing Melbourne’s public transport patronage to Sydney’s, I thought I’d look at all the big capital cities. The five biggest are also  ... [More]


Fares 1992-2022

A fare rise took effect from 1st January. It’s usually more-or-less in line with the annual CPI to September the previous year – this time 2.3% against CPI of 2.9%. CPI was so low in 2020 that they waived the increase in January 2021, but most other years they’ve done it. I thought it might  ... [More]


Buses: Small vs big

Happy new year! We’re all used to the standard size buses (pictured above). Bigger buses either go to double deck, requiring higher bridge clearances, or longer articulated buses, needing longer bus bays and larger turning circles. Spotted recently on the Western Freeway near Melton: a smaller FlexiRide bus. The aspect ratio on this pic is  ... [More]


Station car park management

While the debate about new and expanded station car parks continues to rage, I wonder if authorities are properly managing the ones they have? The whole reason for politicians wanting to expand station car parks is that in normal times, they are full. But are they full of train users? How can one tell? This  ... [More]