News and events Politics and activism

Speaking of…

A few quick things… This Daily Show segment about Obama’s inauguration was mucho funny. The Daily Show With Jon StewartM – Th 11p / 10c Changefest ’09 – Obama’s Inauguration Daily Show Full EpisodesImportant Things With Demetri Martin Funny Political NewsJoke of the Day Speaking of Obama, as with Rudd before him, I’m still getting  ... [More]

Politics and activism

Free at lunchtime?

Free at lunchtime and not too far from Parliament House? Join the protest WHAT: Stop the Brumby Government riding roughshod over our rights. WHEN: Tuesday 3rd February Arriving at 11.30 am. Speakers begin at Midday. WHERE: Parliament House, Bourke + Spring Sts, Melbourne. WHY: Bring back democracy. A joint protest on water, climate change and  ... [More]

Going green Politics and activism

Five percent?!

Letter of note in yesterday’s Age: IT IS interesting to note the objections and opposition to the Government’s climate plan, particularly from more affluent groups and individuals. They see it as up to industry, particularly the power industry, to lower consumption of energy and reduce emissions. What effort are these people prepared to make to  ... [More]

Politics and activism transport

Who to vote for, part 2

This survey of candidates was not on behalf of the PTUA. I’ve got responses back from four of the council candidates for Tucker ward in Glen Eira. All four responded positively when asked about transport (in particular public transport) issues. A number of them highlighted the issue of a lack of direct bus service from  ... [More]

Politics and activism

Who to vote for?

This Saturday is local council election day. Only nine councils are doing voting in person — all the rest have switched to postal voting. I’m lucky enough to be voting in person. Oh sure, sending in an envelope might be more convenient. But I’ll be getting to peruse the cake stall and buy a sausage.  ... [More]

Going green Politics and activism

CO2 isn’t so bad

A full-page advert for the coal industry in The Age caught my eye the other day. I just love this bit (quoted here from their web site): Carbon dioxide in our daily lives Carbon dioxide itself is not a danger in our everyday lives. In fact, all life on the planet depends on carbon dioxide.  ... [More]

Geek Health Home life Melbourne Politics and activism transport

Half-finished posts

It’s time for a clearout. Here’s a bunch of posts I wrote but never got around to posting. In some cases I intended to research them a bit more before publishing, so beware they may be a little half-arsed. Backwards There were claims and counter-claims during the Kororoit byelection campaign (June 2008). I suppose Les  ... [More]

Going green Politics and activism

Lessons from 1983

25 years ago last week, the battle to stop the Franklin river dam was won. I think it provides some lessons for today. At the time it was seen as a battle between the economy and the environment. Most now concede that by stopping the dam, we have both — the stunning scenery of the  ... [More]

Politics and activism PTUA transport

Missed opportunity

Yesterday there were demonstrators outside the SX building in Exhibition Street, with brochures, a big banner calling for a Royal Commission. Into what? I’m not sure to be honest; it wasn’t obvious. I didn’t look too closely and I didn’t take a brochure as I had other things on my mind. The Premier John Brumby  ... [More]

Politics and activism

I don’t miss you, Johnny

Did you see the stuff Howard was spouting in an address to American conservatives the other day? (Text of speech) … his most bitter remarks were reserved for those seeking to unwind his WorkChoices legislation … Mr Howard also attacked Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s decision to withdraw combat troops from Iraq as “naive and dangerous”.  ... [More]

Culture Politics and activism


Keating! — the musical. It was great. Very funny script, great cast, great band. Really good. I’m still chuckling over the election night coverage bit. Highly recommended, but if you’re pondering catching it, get a move on: apparently it’s only on for another fortnight. PS. Interestingly, we (in our late-30s) were among the youngest there.  ... [More]

News and events Politics and activism

The apology

I think one of the reasons I’m so pleased the apology is that it’s so rare for politicians to admit that they (individually or collectively) were wrong. That alone makes it a historic day. Furthermore, we’ve got a lot of reasons to be proud of our country, and it seems only right that we should  ... [More]