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Speaking of…

A few quick things…

This Daily Show segment about Obama’s inauguration was mucho funny.

Speaking of Obama, as with Rudd before him, I’m still getting used to the words “President” and “Obama” in one sentence.

Speaking of Rudd, clearly he needs to do more on education, as the misused apostrophe in one of his Twitter posts proves: KevinRuddPM Join Australian’s in 1 minute twitter silence @ 4pm today in memory of those who lost their lives in Vic & QLD #bushfires

Speaking of, erm, things from the last few days, this is the favourite card design I’ve ever given for St Valentine’s Day (to Marita last year, I think):
Heath Robinson: Romantic possibilities in modern flats

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.

3 replies on “Speaking of…”

Funny video! The balconies and windows on the card look just like the ones on a typical building in Miami Beach, FL (AKA South Becah).

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