Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from April 2013

Marking 10 years of posting 10 year old photos, with one from 30 years ago.

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from March 2013

Here’s another post of photos from ten years ago – this time March 2013. A Parkiteer Map was published in MX and it was a doozy for errors. A few to see just in this little glimpse. Spelling mistakes, lines in the wrong place, lines strung together… it had it all. A Hitachi train arrives  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from February 2013

I’m still behind on posting old photos from ten years ago, and catching COVID last week didn’t help. Here’s February 2013. Some motorists love to complain about impact of protected bike lanes. Here’s William Street before it got them. Difficult and dangerous for cyclists, but also demonstrably slow for motorists back then as well. Remember:  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from January 2013

I didn’t get around to posting this last month: old photos from ten years ago, January 2013 edition. Myki had just taken over from Metcard, and while it would take a while for all the old equipment to be removed, temporary signage was placed over the old ticket machines on trams. Myki has that unexplained  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago transport

Old photos from December 2012

Here’s the last of the ten year old photo posts for this year, covering December 2012. Today is the tenth anniversary of the day that Metcard was finally switched off across the tram network, and Myki became the only ticket available for travel on Melbourne’s public transport. (The Herald Sun has an article on this  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from November 2012

Is it the end of the month already? Here’s another post of old photos from ten years ago – November 2012. Block Place – another location that proves the point that many favourite places… don’t have cars. Ads on train windows, blocking the view. Thankfully gone, but still an issue on trams and buses. Perhaps  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from October 2012

Another in my series of ten year old photos, this time from October 2012… Well, except for this one from 29th September 2012, which I missed last month – a letter in the Herald Sun – the time I tried and failed to escape the PTUA! Thanks, Mr Surkitt. Spring Racing Carnival… and a train  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from September 2012

Another in my series of photos from ten years earlier. Ventura’s Oakleigh depot full of buses, having a nice rest on a Sunday, despite heavy passenger demand and crowding. Since then, most buses running PTV routes have been put into PTV liveries. What happens when you run a red light but don’t make it across.  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from August 2012

2022 State Election politics has just hotted up on the transport front, and I’ll try and do a blog post on that soon, but in the meantime, here’s another in my series of ten year old photos: this time, August 2012. Multilingual rhinos! The “Melbourne Visitor Shuttle” bus, eventually scrapped in 2017 – it could  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from July 2012

Another in my series of old photos from ten years ago. In July 2012 we were visiting my aunt in Perth – which was a lot of fun. Here’s that quintessential Perth railway view – a train heading down the freeway past the stopped traffic. (But remember, freeways are not a great spot for passenger  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from June 2012

Yes I’ve been quiet on the blog recently. So, so busy. But here’s a post of ten year old photos from June 2012. A rainy day at the Bourke Street/Russell Street intersection Footscray station before the new platforms were provided for the Sunbury line and the new bridge partially demolished and extended as part of  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Old photos from May 2012

I missed doing the May post in May, so here it is a few days late: old photos from ten years ago: May 2012. A friend lives in Richmond, and car access is difficult – or at least not for the faint hearted – as the streets are narrow, and there’s almost no parking. This  ... [More]