Photos from ten years ago

Pics from June 2003

Continuing my series of posts of 10-year-old photos… The Railway Museum at North Williamstown is closed currently, due to safety issues. As a kid I’d visited many times, and I was able to take my kids there too. Selfie with the kids, from the top of Heavy Harry. Near the museum, parked in a siding  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

Some more photos from May 2003

Once upon a time, green bags weren’t actually green: Signage in High Street… not a great job done there with the relative placement of the No Left Turn and Tram Stop signs: The then-new multi-storey carpark at Elsternwick station: Who says you can’t take home bulky goods on public transport, if you have your friends  ... [More]

Photos from ten years ago

More of my photos from ten years ago: May 2003

This might become a regular series. Following my posting of old photos from when I first got my digital camera, here’s a batch from early and mid-May 2003. This building next to the Orica building in Nicholson Street (near the corner of Lonsdale) looks like it’s two-dimensional, at least from some angles. Worth a look  ... [More]

Melbourne Photos from ten years ago Retrospectives

I first got a digital camera 10 years ago. Here are some of my first photos.

Ten years ago this week I got my first digital camera: a Canon A70. I’d held on until the price seemed right and they did a half-decent job of video recording (as my old Video-8 video camera had given up the ghost a couple of years before). I assume I only started with a fairly  ... [More]