
Home again

Home again, still not well. Some kind of stomach bug combined with headaches. Blargh. Not pleasant. Meanwhile my sister is getting over a cold, some of the kids have had colds too, my mum’s been unwell, my dad’s had to go into hospital with a blood problem. It seems to be one of those weeks.


The worst habit

I know from last time that a post like this may set the cat among the pigeons, so I was going to spend a bit more time refining this. But I haven’t had time, so what the hell. Smoking would have to be the worst habit anybody could have, ever, wouldn’t it? Millions are addicted.  ... [More]


The quick health check

Last night while giving blood, they gave me a nice Red Cross O+ key ring, which can replace my RACV one now that I’m no longer a member. (Mind you, so far they’re still sending me newsletters and the occasional “Maybe you’ve forgotten to pay?” letter.) They also let me know my vital blood statistics.  ... [More]


Brushing teeth

Went to the dentist last weekend for the not-quite-six-monthly-more-like-nine-monthly checkup. They reckoned my brushing is going well. I didn’t tell him I only floss every couple of weeks… I brush my teeth two or three times a day. When the kids are around, it’s the latter, as I brush with them at their bedtime, then  ... [More]


Help if you can

In December a friend of my sister passed away, leaving her husband and their two young children. Their friends have started a fundraiser to help him cope with the costs of raising his kids: Help Sam And Charlie.

Geek Health


Yay. My cluster headaches have gone away, for now, even after having gone off the medication. Something to watch out for next spring, as I suspect they’ll re-appear then. Funny thing is I had suspected the medication would impede my ability to donate blood. I rang the blood bank and they said no, it’s fine,  ... [More]


Ailments of the week

So far it’s not a good month for minor ailments. Last week Jeremy had a coughy-coldy thing; this week Isaac’s had it worse, knocking him out of school… thankfully he’s got over it in time to go off to camp this morning. As for me, I must have eaten something bad, and my over-sensitive stomach  ... [More]


It’s not my place

It’s not my place to elaborate on all the specifics, but a good friend of my sister passed away in quite tragic circumstances on Friday. One can only feel for her family, in particular her husband and two young kids. BeyondBlue: Postnatal depression. Donate (no online option unfortunately). PANDA: Postnatal and Antenatal Depression Association. Donate  ... [More]


Cluster headaches

So I’ve been having these headaches, regular ones, a piercing pain through the top-left part of my head, from my temple down to my jaw. They come and go several times a day, mostly in the morning, every hour or two for about 15-30 minutes each time. Sometimes they’re early in the morning, waking me  ... [More]

Food'n'drink Health

Chocolate-free (almost)

I have a cautionary tale for you. A few weeks ago I was merrily strolling through Bentleigh, and decided to see what they had in the discount supermarket place. To my delight they had some very cheap Cadbury breakfast bars. Ah, the goodness of muesli combined with the deliciousness of chocolate. Okay, so slightly past  ... [More]


If you like Pina Coladas

Getting a haircut in the middle of winter is never a good idea (especially just before a snow trip), but it had to be done. The cold weather leaves me tempted to stay in bed all day, to not get up at all. But it had to be done. Oh well, it may not be  ... [More]


Bloody Blood Service

The Mobile Blood Bank is back in my neck of the woods this week, and because it’s so inconvenient to get to their Southbank outlet (inlet?) I try to make a point of going as often as I can. So I planned to go along on this afternoon after picking up the kids from school  ... [More]