Oh joy. My cluster headaches are back for spring. In fact they returned on the 1st of September, which Australians consider to be the first day of spring. Boom, just like that. (Previous posts. Doesn’t everybody use blog posts to track their personal health history? I know I do.) To recap Cluster headaches are, as ... [More]
Category: Health
Down down, smoking is down
Excellent. Smoking rates are continuing to drop, from 21.2% in 1998 down to 15.3% now. So, how about the next step, government? Now that smoking is almost entirely banned indoors, what about extending smoking bans to include all undercover areas — I’m thinking particularly of under shop awnings. (If I ran the world, I’d be ... [More]
I’m sure (more than usual) people were staring at me on the train today. And you should see the amount of gunk that was in it this morning. The doctor’s given me some eyedrops for it.
I’m not a drinker
I’ve never been a drinker. Oh sure, there were the social pressures in my uni days. But it’s a habit I just never picked up. My parents weren’t drinkers. My partner isn’t a drinker. It’s just not my thing. I’m not a teetotaller though. Occasionally (perhaps a few times a year) I’ll indulge in a ... [More]
I had intended for us to do regular bush walks this year, as part of getting fitter and burning off some flab. We did one, at the You Yangs, in January. We did the walk up to Flinders Peak to admire the view and get the heart pumping. Turns out the park was damaged during ... [More]
For many years I’ve used Herbal Essences shampoo. While I hated the ads, I liked the shampoo. But recently I’ve noticed tell-tale white residue on my clothes. Oh no. Dandruff. Not nice. So I’ve switched to anti-dandruff shampoo for a while. It doesn’t smell as nice, but it appears to be working.
My dad turned 79 the week before last. He got sick and went into hospital on Thursday. Pneumonia. Over the weekend he was very unwell, and yesterday he expressed the view that he would like to go soon. Tonight he got his wish, and slipped peacefully away. RIP JQ. 7/8/1931 — 16/8/2010. Update Tuesday 8:40am: ... [More]
In the comments of a previous post was mention of superfoods. There appears to have been a recent reluctance from dieticians to use the term because of its manipulation by food marketeers, with the EU banning its use unless it can be proven. However this page from Kraft Foods flags their top ten (none of ... [More]
Electric toothbrushes
In the past I’ve been unconvinced by the benefits of electric toothbrushes. They just seemed like a gimmick to me. That was until at a checkup last month when the dentist noted that the kids might well find them better, to counter less-than-perfect manual brushing. He recommended the Oral B brand specifically (interesting since the ... [More]
As reported in The Age, the US Health Effects Institute recently published a report on the effects of living near busy roads. Its conclusion was that: …there is sufficient evidence that exposures to traffic-related air pollution cause asthma exacerbation in children and suggestive evidence that they might cause other health effects. …the zones most impacted ... [More]
Baked beans on toast FTW!
One of the things the nurse said at the workplace health check a couple of weeks ago was about including a variety of fruit and vegetable in my diet. And she said “Even beans on toast.” You beauty! That there is an official recommendation to cook one of the laziest, least effort meals known to ... [More]
The health check
Apparently there have been some alarming results from the workplace health checks underway at the moment. Victorian workers have been given a scare by a State Government-run health program which has found a high percentage donโt exercise enough with a number of people asked to see a doctor within 24 hours. We’ve had ours on ... [More]