Food'n'drink Health

I’m not a drinker

I’ve never been a drinker. Oh sure, there were the social pressures in my uni days. But it’s a habit I just never picked up. My parents weren’t drinkers. My partner isn’t a drinker. It’s just not my thing. I’m not a teetotaller though. Occasionally (perhaps a few times a year) I’ll indulge in a  ... [More]

Health Working life

The health check

Apparently there have been some alarming results from the workplace health checks underway at the moment. Victorian workers have been given a scare by a State Government-run health program which has found a high percentage donโ€™t exercise enough with a number of people asked to see a doctor within 24 hours. We’ve had ours on  ... [More]

Consumerism Food'n'drink

Stealth advertising

Seen on Saturday: Don’t go to Dan Murphy’s for your booze — keep going and come to Winelovers Warehouse instead! Technically they’re their truck is illegally parked, of course, hanging out of the parking space into No Standing territory. But I wonder how many people were suckered in?