My lesson from Thursday night: when wearing a nice woven silk tie, don’t lean across a table with a rough edge for a protracted period of time. This course of action may well result in the little threads becoming broken, loose, or otherwise completely stuffed up. Actually maybe not completely. It just looks a bit… ... [More]
Category: Culture
TV, movies, music, that kind of thing
Every once in a while I’ll read something that speaks volumes to me. This excerpt is from Ben Elton’s "Blast From The Past", which I’m reading at the moment: Every golden generation, every fresh-faced group of friends, must statistically contain those who will fall prey to the sad clichés of life. The things they never ... [More]
An article in today’s paper takes a swipe at dating web sites, basically suggesting that the people who use them are either boring and/or weirdos, and that’s why they can’t meet anybody in real life. I think that’s a little unfair. Okay, I admit it, my view is probably a little skewed, especially today. I ... [More]
Instant movie reviews
Swordfish. What a crap movie. Computer clichĂŠs galore, not to mention that scene where Halle Berry earned US$250,000 per breast. Did it add anything at all to the story? Hell no. Was it a ploy to get teenage boys into the cinema? Looks like it to me. Saturday Night Fever. Second in the weekend’s Travolta ... [More]
Well Mr Foxtel came over yesterday to wire me up to a world of entertainment. Hey, wait a sec, that’s Foxtel’s slogan… but don’t they have problems with it also being Crown Casino’s slogan? Did both of them forget to trademark it? Have they agreed to share it? Anyway Mr Foxtel came over. He wanted ... [More]
Another week gone, and Christmas is creeping ever closer. Tomorrow I’m going to make a concerted effort to get all my Christmas presents bought and ready. Had a bit of a laugh this morning when I saw an internal memo at <monolithic corporation I work for>. Apparently they’re economising, and their way to save a ... [More]
– The Age, Green Guide, Thu 22/11/2001 (Thanks Gerald) I felt bloated after dinner – I probably ate too much. So I went for an evening walk. The weather was gorgeous, the sun was just going down, and I told an angry dog in a garden to fuck off. Felt much better after that.
This boy needs therapy
Guest House Paradiso 5:45pm. I have just returned home, my pockets bulging and my arms stretching from the weight of, in no particular order: 2 litres of Apple/Blackcurrant juice 2 litres of milk 2 potatoes of the ilk that the supermarket describes as "Nadine" – one moderately large, and one absolutely fucking enormous – as ... [More]
Went to see the keynote address of the Melbourne Writers’ Festival last night, given by Bill Bryson. The man is hilarious. It made a great end to the working week to laugh my arse off at his speech. I’m getting an urge to read all his books again, and to check my collection to make ... [More]
Here comes Kitten Kon
Goodies Geeks from around the nation (and a couple from overseas) converged on Melbourne this weekend for the world’s first ever Goodies convention. Australia is full of people in their twenties and thirties who fondly remember The Goodies as the result of endless 6pm repeats on the ABC for most of the 70’s and 80’s. ... [More]
A history lesson: Patrick Stewart with hair!
Before he baldly went where no man has gone before – Patrick Stewart with hair, in "Clavdivs" We’ve been having a bit of a video history lesson in the last few days. We’re slowly but surely working our way through the mammoth epic "I, Claudius", better known to anyone who’s seen it as "Clavdivs". It’s ... [More]
God bless the library
I hit pay dirt at the library on Sunday. Earlier in the year I’d been looking for a book… not a book essential to my work or way of life, but a book I was reasonably keen to borrow and read. It was out and overdue. So I bided my time, I waited for it ... [More]