Consumerism Morons on the road Photos

A few pics

It’s nice that the all-new Jazz has come to town… but which town? Judging from the poster, London, apparently, not Melbourne. The order’s Roll. Beef Roll. Bless ’em, they’re trying their best to stop any redundancy redundancy. No. You don’t understand. IT DOESN’T APPLY TO ME. (Mind you, with people apparently continually parking on it,  ... [More]


The rally

The rally on Sunday was good. At least a couple of hundred rowdy residents protesting against the proposed $8 billion (or $9 billion, or maybe more) road tunnel proposal. I had prepared some notes, but sure enough, didn’t follow them when I spoke. I never do. Of course, the act of preparing notes lets me  ... [More]

Home life

Interest rates

Last year I took a gamble and locked in my home loan interest rate at 7.85%. At the time, and for the first half of this year, it looked like it had paid off. With the recent drops though, I’m not so sure it will in the long term. I’m locked in at 7.85%; the  ... [More]


Giving blood

For regular donors, the Blood Bank will send you a letter a couple of weeks before their mobile branch visits your area. Then if they haven’t heard from you, they ring you up in the week before. I never seem to find the time to ring them before they ring me. The problem is by  ... [More]


Muckup day FAIL

It seems some students at Xavier went over-the-top in their end of school celebrations, ties used as G-strings, with one student injured, food fights on trams, jumping on cars, firecrackers let off at Balaclava Station, and all year 12 classes cancelled. (Some newspaper reports say the entire year level was suspended, but the principal was  ... [More]

PTUA transport

Activist things

I don’t know what’s wrong with The Age web site, but frequently the online version of the Letters page leaves big slabs of text out of people’s letters. They did it with mine this morning, which is a response to a letter in yesterday’s Age. Given the heading they gave it, the missing first paragraph  ... [More]

News and events TV

Hung parliamant

There must have been cutbacks at the ABC. Apparently they can’t afford a dictionary anymore. Or maybe host Virginia Haussegger can’t spell. (Not that I’d be having a go at her, oh no.) It flashed up a few times during the ACT election coverage on Saturday night. (For some reason it seems a version of  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

My sister

My sister Susannah is lovely. Kind and funny. Thoughtful and smart. Full of empathy when it matters — always up for a whingefest session on the phone, and understands what it’s like to be time-poor. Her kids are nice, her husband Adrian’s a dude. She’s successful — she’s made her business work, they seem to  ... [More]


Bad planning fixed

Remember a month ago when I noted the tree planted in the middle of the taxi rank next to Bentleigh railway station? The tree forced taxi drivers out into traffic to move up to the front of the rank. Today I noticed the local council has fixed it, moving the tree back to between the  ... [More]

Consumerism transport

Car culture

Now THIS is car culture. Come to Kingston Central Plaza! Bring your hulking great four-wheel drive! In fact WE DON’T EVEN ALLOW compact cars in our car parks! Yes, we’ve built a shopping centre just for you, where we wanted it, on cheap land. Why stick to the designated activity centres in the Melbourne 2030  ... [More]


Missing the tram

If there’s one thing I miss since moving to the middle burbs, it’s the trams. Some people talk about public transport culture vs car culture. Car culture is where the default is to jump in the car to go anywhere. PT culture is where the default is to go to the local tram, train or  ... [More]

News and events

How many people?

A while ago I did a little digging for the purposes of quantifying the audience for different media, for a discussion within the PTUA about how many people see which outlet. I’ve recently skimmed through and grabbed some new figures. (Obviously it’s not just about the raw numbers — the demographic of the audience is  ... [More]