If you don’t want a parking permit, you can get a free Myki Pass instead.
Parking permits and free Myki

If you don’t want a parking permit, you can get a free Myki Pass instead.
Melbourne’s rail network already has some huge car parks, up to 1000 spaces at some stations, as many as a medium-sized shopping centre. There are more than 40,000 spaces across the Metro network, and thousands more on V/Line. Unlike in some cities, they’re all free. The common complaint is that all station car parks fill ... [More]
Southland Shopping Centre introduces paid parking on Monday 16th October. But before you reach for the pitchforks, it only applies if shoppers stay more than three hours. You get the first three hours for free, with an extra hour if you’re going to a movie. Beyond that, it’s basically $3 per additional hour. It uses ... [More]
Some years ago I wrote about issues with the City of Melbourne policy of allowing motorbikes and scooters to park on footpaths, except in a few locations where it’s specifically banned. The problem is, most of the guidelines seem to be ignored. The guidelines Here are the guidelines (see also: PDF version): DO dismount and ... [More]
Here’s something I didn’t know: Perth’s Transperth transport system has some paid parking, and you can pay for it with a Smartrider card. Pay ‘n’ Display car parks are also fenced, but are patrolled by car park attendants between 7.00am and 9.00pm Monday to Friday excluding public holidays. A flat fee of $2.00 per day, ... [More]
What’s the ultimate waste of space in a city centre? Ground level, single level parking. Along with the access space required to get cars in and out, it’s wasted space because apart from perhaps $20-30 per day in revenue, it isn’t used for anything. This post from Gordon Price compares a few cities — the ... [More]
Apparently the buses at this bus stop have a destination of “None”. The addition to the sign in this case is accurate. It’s a spot where buses layover in William Street between runs. Apparently they’ve put bus stop signs up there to stop motorists parking there if they don’t notice the Bus Zone signs. But ... [More]
Well, this thing I’m driving is about as big as a bus, so I thought I could park in the bus stop. Obviously it would have been too hard to move forward a couple of metres into the perfectly legal parking spot just ahead. I guess I could have knocked on the window and asked ... [More]
Not loading, not unloading. Just sitting there. And plenty of spaces on the street. Dear WKY762, that is a bloody stupid place to park. Do you understand what a footpath is for?
There are around 70,000 parking spaces in Melbourne’s CBD [source], and cars are a minority access mode. So don’t you think they could forfeit a few street parking spaces in the “Little” streets so some narrow footpaths could be widened? (Little Lonsdale Street looking towards William Street. The truck was legally parked.) For instance, Little ... [More]
You’re meant to park at least one metre away from other cars, I guess so they have a chance of getting out of their parking spot: If parking bays are not marked, you must leave at least one metre between your vehicle and those in front and behind. — VicRoads But how does anybody get ... [More]
Dear “Number One Driving School”, You may not be Number One for long if you keep teaching your learner drivers to park in bus zones, then sit there for 5+ minutes. This pic was taken a couple of weeks ago, and was separate to another noted yesterday via Twitter: You parked in a bus zone ... [More]