
Damn machine

A couple of weeks ago at work I got an e-mail telling me some marvellous patch would be installed overnight on my computer. “Do nothing!” I was told, “it’ll be great!”, I was told. So I did what I was told, and sure enough overnight my computer was patched, and then it wouldn’t boot. Nup.  ... [More]

Working life


Beep, beep, beep. It’s 7:01am and my alarm goes off. My right arm shoots out from the bed and hits the snooze button. I could really do with another 9 minutes, even if it’s not spent sleeping, but waking up properly. Beep, beep, beep. 7:10am. I’m more alert this time, and co-ordinated enough to feel  ... [More]


The Pepper Incident

It is common at restaurants around Chinatown to be served chilli peppers, generally in small slices around 2-3mm thick. They add a welcome bit of spice to the taste of the meal, and if (with my mostly western palette) consumed in small doses, my tastebuds have a good time. Last night my lovely lovely companion  ... [More]



Instant movie review: Matrix Revolutions. Visually spectacular, one would expect. Plot? Uhh, well they had a bunch of stuff to tie up, obviously. Probably less dialogue gobbledygook this time, more visual action. Yeah, it was okay. Someone, and I can’t remember who (it might have been my sister, it might have been someone at work,  ... [More]

Food'n'drink TV

Mmm, crunch, ahh

Judging from the small size of the pile in the supermarket tonight, I’m not the only one who watched Kath & Kim last night and thought "man, I could really do with a Pollywaffle". Even if they are made by those evil Nestle bastards, sometimes you just have to indulge, you know. Not that I  ... [More]

Working life

Why do I have to be at work today?

Why do I have to be here at work today? WHY? On a glorious day such as this, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming and making me sneeze. But can I be out enjoying it? No. Damn this money hungry capitalist economy of ours! Damn the greedy consumerism! Damn  ... [More]


Cup Day

Ahhh… it was Cup Day yesterday… first public holiday since June. It’s a good thing. I broke with tradition, and rather than put a number of small bets on different horses, then lose all the money as they all came in at fourth position or later, I chose a single horse to vote for (as  ... [More]

Morons on the road

Daniel’s driving adventures

Obviously some people have great problems using their indicators. After all, when your hands are on the steering wheel, the switch is a long long way away, and so awkwardly placed too. I’ve come to the conclusion that the first day of the month is when they let all the idiots onto the roads. There’s  ... [More]

Culture TV

Top of the class

I awoke this morning to the sound of heavy rain hitting the veranda roof. Why is it on dry mornings, the paper delivery person (I’d love to say paper boy, but who knows – I’ve never seen them – perhaps the paper is delivered by telekinesis or obedient monkeys or androids) drops the paper underneath  ... [More]


Quo Vadis?

Tintin In America (1932): A comic with a message. Page 29 – within hours of oil being discovered, the local native Americans are booted out and an entire city is built. There is a bit of Tintin in America where the discovery of oil sees the development of an entire city overnight. The QV project  ... [More]

Home life

Damn birds

Someone must have told them about daylight saving – they woke me again at 5:30 this morning, even though it wasn’t light. Grrr.


Something slipped past

Ford and Trillian let off steam. Yeah the pictures are a bit naff. That’s ‘cos they come from some obscure BBC archive video, and ‘cos time and energy are lacking so I snapped them off the TV rather than wrestle with the DVD screen capture software. The whole world of swear words is just one  ... [More]