Home life

Water bill

The most exciting item – no, the only item – in the mail yesterday was a water bill. Whoopee, the good people at South East Water want $36.95 for the quarter. Given that we are deep into water restrictions, I did have a look at the little graph showing water consumption. 300 litres a day,  ... [More]

Film Home life

Monday snippets

Driving along yesterday by a park, I spotted a row of people with their dogs all SIT!ting next to them. Probably an obedience class or something. Suddenly I heard a bark – one black and white dog had broken from the pack and was sprinting along. I was doing the speed limit or so –  ... [More]

Geek Net

A new dawn

As you may have noticed, this diary has finally been brought kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Yep, I’ve done what I swore I wouldn’t do – switched to a content management system. (In geekspeak that’s CMS.) As a result, some of the stuff has changed, some of it looks different. The old diary  ... [More]

Melbourne Politics and activism PTUA

Get involved

I think it was Alexei Sayle who described people who regularly protested outside the South African embassy in London against the Apartheid regime. When Apartheid finally crumbled, they were shocked that they’d actually won, and didn’t know what to do anymore. Over in my little corner of activism land, three of us slogged our guts  ... [More]

Doctor Who Friends and loved ones

Happy new year

Well, here we are, 2004. As you may have noticed, I’ve been busy so far with extracurricular activities. But I won’t bore you with that. Instead let me tell you about the car. Tony got the collector’s edition version of Doctor Who: The Three Doctors for Christmas – in the special box with a toy  ... [More]

Net News and events

Bye bye 2003

Zoom. Well, there goes the year. To me it seems to have gone incredibly fast, but a lot’s gone on in my life and around the world over the past twelve months. In the grand scheme of things, particularly in the Personal Relationships Department, the start of the year didn’t seem great to me, but  ... [More]

Home life


I was hoping to have a quiet day at home in the shade sitting between the fan and the cooler, with a cold drink in one hand, perhaps an ice-cream in the other… but no, called into the city. Thank [deity] I didn’t have to wear a tie. The clock on the silo said 40  ... [More]


Instant movie review

"Love, Actually"… why would we go to see this rather than "Return of the King"? Well, because I had Gold Class tickets that had to be used up before the end of the year and ROTK was booked out for the next fortnight. Anyway, it was not very deep, not heavy (apart from the scene  ... [More]

dreams Home life

In dreams

This morning I dreamt I was sitting on a tram, with my kids and a platonic friend who turned out to be Deborah from Men Behaving Badly, when an ex-girlfriend (one I had taken some time getting over) got on the tram and sat nearby. Her hair was different – much longer, and dyed purple.  ... [More]

Home life

And so this was Boxing Day

Ah, Boxing Day. So-called because with the amount of activity you do, you might as well be in a box. Me? Woke around 9:30, stumbled out of bed, bummed around the house reading the paper, my e-mails, tidied up a bit, made tea in the funky new kettle I got for Christmas, listened to the  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

And so this was Christmas

Aftermath of present opening part 1 And so this is Christmas: Father Christmas delivering stuff overnight; the kids up at 7am, gleefully ripping into presents; much watching of DVDs and building of Lego; cruising over to my mum’s place for more presents, food, drink, more food, more drink, and sitting about in the garden sipping  ... [More]

Home life

Christmas break

Lunchtime, Christmas Eve My Christmas break from work officially starts today. I’m not going away, but have a bunch of stuff I should get done over the next few weeks. Last minute hurried and harried Christmas shopping, naturally Fill in that Copyright Agency form so they will hand over the moula Fill in and send  ... [More]