Home life

Water bill

The most exciting item – no, the only item – in the mail yesterday was a water bill. Whoopee, the good people at South East Water want $36.95 for the quarter. Given that we are deep into water restrictions, I did have a look at the little graph showing water consumption. 300 litres a day, apparently, consistent with the previous quarter. Seems like a lot, though I suppose when it comes down to it, a litre isn’t that much really.

Looking back over some previous bills (because I’ll do anything to avoid the actual tidying up and money-related paperwork I said I’d be doing today) it seems to have been fairly steady since March 2001. Previous to that, for reasons unknown to me, my water usage was up around the 380 litres a day mark.

Egads, is this how exciting life is at the moment, pondering the water bills? Okay, okay, I’ll get back to my tidying up and money-related paperwork I suppose…

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.

5 replies on “Water bill”

Interesting Daniel. 300 litres did not sound much to me, and I was nearly ready to accuse you of not showering often enough, but I had a look at our water bill and for two of us it is around 400 litres, inlcuding that demon (we are told), the dishwasher.

I thought you’d have organised a spreadsheet detailing all billing information for the previous 2 years… not only for water but for electricity and gas too. Thats how I’d have got out of the actual paperwork and tidying up I was meant to be doing :) I used to love my water bill, because it was always paid up before I got it so it would have a credit balance… $5/fortnight was all it took to make at least one bill look nice :)

As an employee for a water company (though not SEW) I can assure you that you are not alone. We get calls from people at 10pm Saturday night and 7 am Sunday morning – it takes all sorts but you have to wonder at some people. Although I no longer take calls I still remember how pedantic some customers are.

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