Melbourne Photos


Clearly I made a couple of bad decisions. I chose the wrong time to bail out of Doug’s 2004 Australian Tour drinkies at the Fed Square wine bar. And I chose not to bother to get my umbrella out and doing its umbrella-thing when walking the half-block to the station. After all, how wet could  ... [More]

Ranting transport

Dear PHL

Dear PHL970, You know where you exit off the Westgate Freeway, onto Kingsway? Well you know how there are three lanes turning into Kingsway? You know how there are solid lines there leading from the freeway exit, around the corner into Kingsway? Well the general idea is that you follow the lines. So if you’re  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones Travel

She’s almost back

The three weeks is over, Marita and Justine return from Europe to the real world today. The airport web site says their plane is running an hour late, but hey, given the distance they’re coming, that’s not too bad. There will be photos and tales of the European summer heat, historic buildings and ruins, long  ... [More]


Collins Street at lunchtime

Not its usual bustling self. What happened? Evacuation? Riot? Mass protests at announcement of John Farnham touring again? No, Olympians on Swanston Street.

Consumerism Ranting

The queue

Man I hate it when I’m looking for a big piece of coloured card for one of Isaac’s projects, and I dash into the newsagent that merged with the post office, look around, and they don’t have any. Then further down the road I dash into the post office that merged with the newsagent, and  ... [More]


Small and insecure

I finished Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash a few weeks ago. At some stage I’d like to read it again, as some of the theology references flew past way over my head. But thoroughly excellent nonetheless. Last week I started reading Bill Bryson’s A Short History Of Nearly Everything. The opening chapters talk about the creation  ... [More]

Here is my Photos

Here is my bike

With thanks to Trish for the idea, here is my bike. I bought it about a year and a half ago. I don’t ride it as much as I’d like to, but with the price of petrol going through the roof, maybe it’s time to start using it more. I took this by using the  ... [More]

Home life

Oh, crap

If you’ve just eaten or anything, go read something else. This is a bit gross.


Went out for a walk

I went out for a walk, and came back with shorter hair. You know those things in barbers shop windows, like key rings and tobacco paraphenalia and obscure hair products? Always an entertaining mix of product genres. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody glance at that stuff, let alone buy any of it. Nobody  ... [More]

Consumerism Politics and activism

Busy snippets

Was listening on the radio to some Australian election campaign news, then to some American election campaign news. And it strikes me that we don’t have anything like the big rallies they have over there.

Home life music


There was excitement in the air at the school this morning, in anticipation for tonight’s big school concert. Buses to the rehearsal were lining up in the street, the drum corps had their kit out, classes were lining up to head off to the hall. Much practising on recorders, making of costumes and choreography has  ... [More]

Sport TV

Celebratory snippets

Work footy tipping prize? $390. I rule! Six Feet Under returns to TV next Monday night. Woo hoo! Taped John Safran vs God, just watched it. Bloody funny. Media Watch. Click on it and turn the volume up nice and loud. What a classic. (If you’re at work or within earshot of the kids, check  ... [More]