Doctor Who Geek

TV in the global village

The ABC has finally announced it will show Doctor Who, starting in May (I’m betting 7:30pm on Saturday or Sunday nights). Meanwhile a new study has shown Australians increasingly downloading TV programmes via the Net, and I think it correctly identifies the cause: viewer frustration with the time the networks take to broadcast overseas programs.  ... [More]

Doctor Who

Behind the sofa

It’s said that kids used to watch Doctor Who from behind the sofa. Well in our house, it’s not possible to get behind the sofa, so we have to make do. Jeremy watching the first of the new Doctor Who episodes. We watched the first episode of the new series. The special effects were pretty  ... [More]

Doctor Who

This looks good

Okay, so you might expect me to say so in any case, but damn this trailer looks good… Now… could our ABC people please pull their fingers out and buy this new Doctor Who series please? DIVX 4.5Mb MPEG 11.8Mb (Special thanks to those brave souls who put this kind of stuff online for people  ... [More]

Doctor Who

The Doctor escapes

Back in the late 80s and early 90s, when my interest in TV peaked, I spent some time procuring TV series well before their Australian debuts, courtesy of overseas contacts, twin VCRs and airmail. Thus I was able to see Red Dwarf series 4 and 5 only weeks after they aired on BBC2, albeit on  ... [More]

Doctor Who Film

The original Matrix

How’s this for a sci-fi idea: a computer controlling a virtual reality world. People hook up to the computer and enter that world. But it seems real. In fact it’s so real you can get hurt or even killed in there. And it’s called “The Matrix.” What a concept. Not bad for 1976. Doctor Who:  ... [More]

Doctor Who

I’m the Doctor, by the way

“I’m the Doctor, by the way. What’s your name?” Lunchtime diversion: Just in case you were still in any doubt that it was coming back, the first Doctor Who teaser trailer is now available.

Doctor Who PTUA


Am I a has-been before I’ve even been a been? One of the kids at the school: “You used to be on TV!” Ahem. Yeah kid. Once or twice. … Doctor Who producer Phil Collinson on the return of (and apparent changes to) the Daleks: “If ever you’ve laughed at them, prepare to have the  ... [More]

Doctor Who

New logo for a new series

The BBC have released the logo for the new Doctor Who series coming in 2005. I quite like it, and I’m certainly looking forward to seeing it on TV. PS 11pm. Stylistically they’ve broken away from the tradition of having the “WHO” in big letters underneath “DOCTOR”. And while I think to judge it fairly,  ... [More]

Doctor Who Melbourne

Today in the city

Today in the city I encountered a lost tourist looking for Flinders Street Station (“it’s that big building with the dome”), a Korean student looking for the Block Arcade (“follow me, I’m walking right past it”), and unless I’m much mistaken I passed Katy “Jo Grant” Manning in Degraves Street.

Doctor Who Photos

Making the Grade

Michael Grade has been appointed chairman of the BBC. Doctor Who fans must be wondering if Grade — the only enemy of the Doctor that managed to kill him completely by getting the series cancelled — will be up to his old tricks. Perhaps he’ll squeeze the production budget so tightly that they can’t even  ... [More]

Doctor Who Photos

Found at Southbank

Found this on the pavement at Southbank yesterday. With thanks to the geniuses who drew it, and the person who tipped me off (I’ve lost the e-mail, but you know who you are). I couldn’t get the whole thing into one picture. They got the captions of the doctors a bit wrong, and no sign  ... [More]

Doctor Who Geek Health Working life


An update about my colleague who lost his laptop computer on Friday the 13th last month. A couple of weeks later he was playing with his kids in the front yard when a male youth walked past on the footpath. With a laptop under his arm. Colleague recognised the laptop, ran after him and rugby  ... [More]