
Oh, crikey

Doctor Who

Are you my mummy?

Doctor Who fans, rejoice. Acclaimed writer Steven Moffat, who wrote some of the most memorable (and Hugo-award-winning) recent stories such as Blink and The Empty Child, has been appointed the next Lead Writer and Executive Producer of the show, taking over from sometimes-loved, sometimes-loathed Russell T Davies. “My entire career has been a Secret Plan  ... [More]


Phone numbers

Why do some people quote their phone numbers in funny ways on voice mails? Most Australian phone numbers come in two varieties: A local number, eg 7010 5105. (Let’s ignore the two digit area code for now; it’s not usually relevant in voice mails). Or a mobile number, eg 0491 570 156. How I’ve written  ... [More]

books Film TV

Books and TV and movies and stuff

I used to give either thumbs up or thumbs down. I’m switching to thumbs up, thumbs down, or neither. Microserfs — This is the kind of book I should just lap up, isn’t it? A geek novel? But I didn’t. It dragged. J-Pod — More enjoyable than Microserfs. Douglas Coupland’s self-referential bits were a bit  ... [More]

Consumerism Net

You snore, you need money and you need to meet more girls. No wonder you’re depressed.

Plenty has been written about this before, but I’ll put my oar in. Facebook knows lots about you. Most users key in a bunch of stuff about their hobbies, favourite music, TV shows, all that kind of stuff. They know (roughly) where you live, how old you are, often your marital status, your interests. So  ... [More]

Consumerism music TV

The scheme

How’s this for a scheme? 1. Buy discounted Kit Kat Chunky chocolate bars for $1.29 at Safeway. (On special only until closing time tonight; normal price $1.88) 2. Eat bar. 3. Use code inside wrapper that gets me a $1.69 song from iTunes. 4. Profit! I like chocolate, and I already have an iTunes account.  ... [More]


Not the 6 o’clock news

One night last week I was flicking between the six o’clock news services and I came across a Channel 9 story about someone’s wedding dress being delivered late for the wedding. WTF? Look, I feel sorry for them, but THIS IS NOT NEWS. You don’t want your journos to be aloof and distant from the  ... [More]

Geek Video games

Back to the arcade

It was like stepping back in time. Down the stairs we went, into the darkness. Electronic beeps and bloops could be heard from all directions. Flickering lights. Most of the classics were there. Centipede. Galaga. Ms Pacman. Asteroids. Space Invaders. Donkey Kong. And more. A handful in cocktail tabletop cabinets, but most the way God  ... [More]

Culture Melbourne

Where’s Clancy now?

Maybe things haven’t changed all that much in the last 119 years. And in place of lowing cattle, I can hear the fiendish rattle Of the tramways and the buses making hurry down the street, And the language uninviting of the gutter children fighting, Comes fitfully and faintly through the ceaseless tramp of feet. —  ... [More]

Film Geek

I must see this movie

OMG. Why did nobody tell me about this before? The King of Kong. I know, I know… I didn’t actually list the original Donkey Kong in my top ten games… I don’t know what I was thinking of — it’s definitely one of my favourites. My own high score is around the 31,000 mark. It’s  ... [More]


Top ten Daniels

The top ten Daniels, according to Google Australia (which shows pages from worldwide, but skews slightly in favour of Aussies): 1. The biblical Daniel. 2. The accompanying Book of Daniel. 3. Daniel Boulud’s Restaurant Daniel in New York City. 4. The Daniel Morcombe Foundation, working for protection of children from abduction. 5. Daniel Measurement and  ... [More]

Culture Politics and activism


Keating! — the musical. It was great. Very funny script, great cast, great band. Really good. I’m still chuckling over the election night coverage bit. Highly recommended, but if you’re pondering catching it, get a move on: apparently it’s only on for another fortnight. PS. Interestingly, we (in our late-30s) were among the youngest there.  ... [More]