Culture transport

Metro mosaic

The mural at Patterson station that I noted some time ago has now been completed and officially opened. It includes a rather neat mosaic version of the Metro logo: (zoom) More faces contributed by (mostly) local community groups and schools have been added. Note Bender from Futurama in there. (zoom) Apparently they got sponsorship from  ... [More]

Culture Melbourne

Melbourne’s laneways – the epitome of style and sophistication

(Little William Street)

Video games

Flashback to 1984: The Challenge Chamber

One of the lesser-remembered 80s Australian computer games magazines is PC Games. At least, I assume it’s lesser-remembered because it doesn’t seem to have a Wikipedia entry, although its UK cousin does. PC in those days simply meant personal computer, not necessarily the IBM/Microsoft platform it does today. Australian PC Games ran for, I think,  ... [More]

Doctor Who transport

My blabbering in the TARDIS

Deep within the bowels of the ABC studios at Southbank… …there is a Triple J studio called “TARDIS”. Well, recording booths. I discovered that they’re not bigger on the inside. I was there the other day at lunchtime. My blabbering has shown up as part of a Triple J “Hack” story on the costs of  ... [More]

Retrospectives Video games

Retro Gamer edition 100

Yes, it’s true: I paid extra money to get a magazine about old video games sooner. I truly am a sucker for nostalgia. But hey, it’s the 100th issue, with a reprint of edition one as a bonus!!! PS. 8pm Saturday: Spotted today at my brother-in-law’s birthday barbecue, this tattoo of Rik’s:


Video: What you get to see trackside at the Grand Prix

If you’ve never been to the Grand Prix (which is on today), here (from 2009 when I went for The Who concert) is what you get to see trackside. Can’t say it appeals much to me. Note what I assume are sonic booms.


Troll Squad (formerly Quoll Squad)

Happy Leap Year! It’s a few weeks ago now, but this made me laugh: Troll Squad (formerly Quoll Squad), from the First Dog On The Moon exhibit at Platform, in the Degraves Street subway.

Clothes music


I feel a bit guilty about this: I re-used a costume party costume. See, I was invited to an 80s Movie/Music/Pop-Culture party, and then a Dead Celebrities a couple of weeks later. Given time constraints and the likelihood of few party guests overlapping, I reasoned that I could knock off both with one costume. Someone  ... [More]

music TV

The Doctor catches V/Line

Spotted on Saturday after the Doctor Who/Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Symphonic Spectacular: Reports from the UK suggest Doctor Who has prompted more people to wear bow ties. I don’t know if that’s rubbed off in Australia, but there were certainly more bow ties and fezzes than I’ve ever seen around Melbourne yesterday, both at the venue  ... [More]

music News and events

Happy Australia Day (and make sure you have a ticket)

The words on the left are from I Am Australian, by Bruce Woodley: We are one, but we are many And from all the lands on earth we come We share a dream, and sing with one voice: I am, you are, we are Australian Wikipedia says the song was written in 1987. I’m pretty  ... [More]

transport TV

Proof that you can get a big-screen TV home by public transport

Proof that you (with the help of a friend, at least) don’t need a car to take a big-screen TV home… at least not since the advent of flatscreens. Panasonic, 50 inch. Appears to have been bought at JB Hifi (which is nearby). Note the lady with her Metcard ready. They caught a 908 bus.  ... [More]

Film TV

DVD vs Blu-Ray picture quality

I never quite believed I’d see much of the difference between DVD and Blu-Ray on an 80cm (32 inch) TV. But with brand-name Blu-Ray players now below $100, and releases such as the complete set of Star Wars movies out on Blu-Ray, this past Christmas seemed like the right time to jump in and try  ... [More]