
Possible 2021 Metro timetables

They really don’t like talking about this stuff, but if you’ve been wondering what your future train service might look like, check this: (View it bigger) This map is based on an appendix tucked-away in the Rowville rail study documents, and shows a proposed operating plan once Regional Rail Link and a handful of other  ... [More]

Health TV

“A pint? That’s very nearly an armful!”

Tony Hancock’s legendary line in The Blood Donor was “A pint? That’s very nearly an armful!” (I really should find the DVD somewhere and watch it again.) I referenced it the other day after going to the blood bank, and Ian noted that Tony Hancock was from Ian’s home town of Birmingham, and kindly snapped  ... [More]


Hazy shade of autumn

On a recent morning, not unlike today. Bourke Street Little Collins Street


Flinders Street’s entrance crowding problem

A new Myki-related problem has emerged — during evening peak, crowds heading into Flinders Street Station’s Elizabeth Street entrance back up onto the road. This video shows it (though I’m sure I’ve seen worse crowds on occasions) It’s not entirely down to Myki — it’s a combination of surging passenger numbers, space limitations at that  ... [More]


How many catch V/Line in peak hour?

Last night on the TV news they seemed to be struggling for an accurate figure of how many were affected by the closure of the Geelong line. One said “hundreds”, another said “up to a thousand”. Figures on V/Line’s web site, which summarise the number of people on each train so you can plan your  ... [More]

Home life

Pest control

This blog post is mostly for my own purposes, to mark when I bug-bombed the house, which I have done over the weekend. I last did it about 5 years ago, and it seemed to be relatively effective… for a while. But over this past summer, there seems to have been about a cockroach per  ... [More]

Culture transport

Metro mosaic

The mural at Patterson station that I noted some time ago has now been completed and officially opened. It includes a rather neat mosaic version of the Metro logo: (zoom) More faces contributed by (mostly) local community groups and schools have been added. Note Bender from Futurama in there. (zoom) Apparently they got sponsorship from  ... [More]


Chesty Bonds – another iconic brand, now made in China

The Chesty Bond singlet, something of an iconic Australian brand, used to be made in Australia, but is now made in China. I find that a little sad, but I suppose it’s a sign of the times. I seem to recall hearing on the news the other week that manufacturing as a percentage of Australia’s  ... [More]

Culture Melbourne

Melbourne’s laneways – the epitome of style and sophistication

(Little William Street)


PTV: it’s more than just rebranding, but will it make a difference?

Much of the tram and bus stop signage around the CBD was modified over the weekend, with PTV (Public Transport Victoria) logos replacing the Metlink logos. And the Metlink web site now forwards to a reskinned (but essentially identical, so far) PTV web site. But it would be a mistake to assume this is just  ... [More]

Video games

Flashback to 1984: The Challenge Chamber

One of the lesser-remembered 80s Australian computer games magazines is PC Games. At least, I assume it’s lesser-remembered because it doesn’t seem to have a Wikipedia entry, although its UK cousin does. PC in those days simply meant personal computer, not necessarily the IBM/Microsoft platform it does today. Australian PC Games ran for, I think,  ... [More]


Getting through the Myki pain: time to rip off the bandaid

The Age Online reports this morning gates at Flagstaff were opened to clear long queues that had backed up to the escalators. This has also happened several times at Parliament and Southern Cross recently. It’s a combination of growing patronage, new Myki users swiping or rubbing instead of touching and holding still, and old Metcard  ... [More]