

I had a haircut the other day. As the locks fell to the floor, it almost seemed like there was more grey than black (very dark brown actually). But maybe that’s because the grey was most visible. At least I hope so.

Home life music

Let’s do the timewarp again

The school concert was last night. I’m sure I don’t remember us doing these kinds of full-blown all-of-school proper-concert-hall events when I was in primary school. But the kids all seemed to enjoy it. And the bar was open before the event started, to help the parents… uhh relax. Danny Katz (whose kids go to  ... [More]

News and events

Citizen media

Two of the biggest local media outlets are going great guns encouraging citizen media: The Age and Channel 7, joining in a trend increasingly seen worldwide. Both have been increasingly encouraging contributions in the past couple of years, from web and phone polls to running footage or photos taken by members of the public. Of  ... [More]

PTUA transport

Why most people don’t use public transport

Despite petrol at record prices and traffic congestion, most people still don’t use public transport. Its share of the market sits stagnant at about 8% or so. Why? Because most people will only choose PT over driving when it’s convenient: when it goes where you want to go, and when it’s frequent. How frequent is  ... [More]

Home life

Unaided flight

Memo to self (and anybody else listening): Only put rugs with rubber backing onto wooden floors. They’re extremely slippery otherwise, as I discovered this morning, when getting ready for work. I was in a bit of a rush and attempted to run to go turn off the computer. I had shoes on, and my grip  ... [More]

books Memes rule, pass it on

Literary meme

I was tagged for a literary meme. 1. One book that changed your life I’m struggling a bit to think of anything, but if I had to nominate something, I’d probably say Ben Elton’s Gridlock. It’s not an earthshattering philosophical work, but I think it (subconsciously) triggered a lot of my thinking about issues I’m  ... [More]


Beef and vegetable soup

Heinz Big’n’Chunky Beef and Vegetable Soup. I like a can of soup on a cold night when I’m feeling too lazy to cook properly. But this reminded me just a little too much of the aroma of dog food.


People can’t spell

Oh what a tricky language we use. grammer — how come so many people make this (almost ironic) mistake? grammar dammit, grammar! peninsular — actually this is a grammatical error. Peninsular is the adjective describing a body of land surrounded on three sides by water. But so many people seem to think it’s the noun.  ... [More]



Interesting mix… Italian and Indian cuisine. Anybody fancy some Spaghetti Vindaloo? How about Tandoori macaroni? When I lived in Hawthorn, up the end of the street was an Indian/Vegetarian/Fish’n’Chip shop. And in fact, I have made something approxiamating spaghetti Tandoori chicken once when I was scrounging around in the kitchen for leftovers. It was… well,  ... [More]

Culture Working life

I’ll let you go

I’ve mentioned before how I hate the expression “I’ll let you go”. It just tells me in the most thinly-veiled way that the person talking to me is sick of me, and has more important things to do. Last week I overheard a work colleague who had evidently rung someone he didn’t want to talk  ... [More]

Morons on the road

It’s not your fault

Dear Car 2, it’s not your fault. Car 1 has parked in a stupid way, in the middle of two spots. But you can’t fit there. Really, you can’t. No matter how many times you try. Whatever angle you come in at. Your car is bigger than the space that is left. You might as  ... [More]

Melbourne transport


I rather like the design of this Warholesque tram. It’s to celebrate 100 years of electric trams in Melbourne, even though the first electric tram in Melbourne ran in 1889. It only lasted 7 years though, so I suppose this one can celebrate 100 consecutive years of electric trams. But that would sound a little  ... [More]