
The Age is moving

It’s just not a pretty building, 250 Spencer Street. It’s hard to believe it was ever considered to be so.

The Age building

The Age is moving this weekend, out of this brown monstrosity and into the new building on the other side of Southern Cross Station.

Hopefully the move goes smoothly for them, and the new place ages more gracefully than the old.

I wonder how long it’ll take before it’s bought and demolished?

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.

10 replies on “The Age is moving”

I’m more than happy to replicate Barry Humphries’ photo of when he stood atop the Gas and Fuel towers (in the now Fed Square) with a placard stating “Whelan the Wrecker should be here!”
‘Cept we could buy tickets to swing the wrecking ball on this eye-sore :P

Actually, it’s already been sold – end of 2007 I think – and it’s going to be used as the headquarters for the national census. Great storage in the old printing press area for all the forms!

Funny you mention ‘it was ever considered to be so’ … I heard a story somewhere that the Gas and Fuel towers (or Princes Gate Project more officially) were on the front of the phone book in the late 1960s as a prized piece of Melbourne architecture – can anyone verify this??

I recall another brown brick office building on the corner of Bourke and Elizabeth Streets opposite the GPO that stood derlict for a number of years before being demolished in the mid 90s for ‘The Pavilion’ although don’t know what was housed there originally.

As for the old ‘Spencer Street Soviet’, is it to be demolished for (more) apartments??
I couldn’t quite see the facadism technique here they did for the old Herald and Weekly TImes building in Flinders Street a few years back

Quote : “I wonder how long itโ€™ll take before itโ€™s bought and demolished?”.

(a) turned into student apartments
(b)a satellite campus for a something like University of Technology that would be bizarre.

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