
Lunar eclipse

It was a clear night in Melbourne for last night’s lunar eclipse. Messing around with the video camera and the video, I managed to grab some images as the earth’s shadow came across the moon. The most interesting was around 23:00, when something flew past my camera’s field of vision. It was gone in a  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

Hi Grandad

Chong Quinlem – my grandad, circa 1946. I feel like I’ve just met my grandfather (on my dad’s side) for the first time. Which is a bit strange, since he died long before I was born. It may be a bit odd, but my dad’s never gone in much for sentimental stuff, and it’s taken  ... [More]


The Two AMs

I have reached a point in my life that I never quite expected to reach. I know two people with the same name, that is, the same given name and the same surname. I suppose it’s the kind of thing that can happen sometimes – for instance, I’ve worked with an awful lot of people  ... [More]


Sick as a dog

I spent Wednesday morning as sick as a dog, that is, as sick as a very sick dog. In fact, as sick as a dog that’s spewing up everything it’s eaten in the previous day, and has truly revolting stuff coming out of its bottom. (Oh dear, is that too much detail?) I think it  ... [More]


Nostalgia trip

The peaceful town of Wallan… newsagency… Internet… butcher… I always wanted to be a tram driver… Today I went on a nostalgia trip to somewhere I’d never been before. The tramway museum at Bylands. When I was a kid, we never had a car, and I used to travel by tram a lot. These days  ... [More]



Only 29 cents going the government’s way in my first real GST transaction. Hmm, so this is the brave new world of GST is it? I think I’ve come to the conclusion that GST is the government’s way of moving the work of tax collection from the ATO to just about everyone who runs a  ... [More]


Woo hoo!

The cable modem arrived today… and it flies like a rocket, especially on the new computer. Brilliant stuff.



Bang! – Scccccrrrreeeeeecccccchhhh. The aftermath of my first real prang. Well, a milestone yesterday: I had the first prang in which I actually did some damage to my car. I was in the carpark at Dick Smith, stocking up on LAN cards (well, just one really). As I parked, I got a little too close  ... [More]


Some progress

Some progress on the cable internet connection I ordered. After I rang up and badgered them a bit, they started moving into action. Ah yes, that’s how you deal with big companies: disturb them enough from their slumber to do something. On Thursday morning a friendly bloke arrived in a van, fiddled with a box  ... [More]


Good deed

Today I did my good deed for the week. Taking $90 out of the ATM down the street, I was rather surprised to find it gave me an extra $20, kinda wrapped around the other notes. Now, if it were a definite case of ripping off the Commonwealth Bank, most of us wouldn’t think twice.  ... [More]



Today I ordered a new computer. The last time I bought a new computer was almost exactly five years ago. At the time, it seemed quite fast, but maybe this was an illusion, as it seems to have gradually got slower and slower over the years. I did get it upgraded last year, but after  ... [More]


A relaxing, though frantic, weekend

I’ve had some relaxation this weekend: the kids are away, staying with their mum for the long weekend. Not that I don’t like my kids of course, but it’s good to be given me a chance to get out and about and see some friends. Not to mention to be able to sleep in. On  ... [More]