

All our stuff packed into a borrowed backpack, Iris and I were ready for a weekend jaunt up to Syd-n-ey. Heading for the airport, we boarded a train which whizzed us straight into the city, where we came face to face with thousands of racegoers heading home from Flemington after a long hard day’s punt.  ... [More]


Blow up your video

One of my VCRs is on its last legs. Well okay, not legs… little foam thingies that it stands on… on its last… those. Despite regular service, it’s been playing up for years – almost since I got it, in fact. It refused to wind some brands of tape at anything approaching a sensible speed.  ... [More]


He came!

To my utter astonishment, the plumber bloke turned up. He came on Wednesday, which come to think of it, wasn’t that much of a surprise, given that he was due last Saturday. It seems like about a tenth of people in service industries have no idea what time or day it is, and just do  ... [More]


Did he come?

On Friday Iris and I got a little culture: theBatsheva Dance Company’s Anaphase was on at the State Theatre, and very good it was too. On Saturday we took the kids to Luna Park for a bit, then got them back to their mum’s place so I could lie in wait at my place for  ... [More]


Bloody computers

I’ve got way too much damn e-mail. Outlook tells me that something like 200Mb of my hard drive is filled with the bloody stuff. It would take me years to read all that. Oh, about 90Mb of that is supposedly Deleted Items. I suppose it’s useful to have that stuff temporarily stored so I can  ... [More]



Simmering away… and very useful as a sundial, too. If you look too carefully, you’ll see spotlets of it on the wall – the product of careless stirring. A vital ingredient if you can’t be bothered doing all the little fiddly bits yourself: Mr Newman. (I hope the cheque’s in the mail) Mmmmmmm… SpagBol…. Most  ... [More]


Shower gel and sunnies

A reply! From: Jenny <surname and e-mail address vanquished into the ether for obvious reasons> Sent: 10 October 2000 08:47 To: Daniel Bowen Subject: RE: shower gel Very Funny….I’m almost faintly amused. Meanwhile, my search is over. They’ve been found, and what a relief. Yes, my sunnies turned up. My precious Raybans. *sniffle* I’m so  ... [More]



I think my life is a bit too enjoyable at the moment, which leaves me in a bit of a quandary. Usually I like to have a good whinge about something. But right now, there’s not much to whinge about, and I’m sitting here on Monday night, wanting to send at least a token diary  ... [More]



I’ve been playing around with GuruNet. It’s a very cool little program that sits in the background on your computer, just waiting, just itching for you to Alt-Click on a word to find its definition. It can look up entries from a dictionary or encyclopaedia, maps, weather reports for cities, and so on. I was  ... [More]



It’s been a pretty busy week. But it hasn’t been particularly funny, which is usually what I look for in what to write about here. Well, either funny or tragic. Keeps people interested, you know. But nothing of any note on either count from this week really springs to mind right at the moment. Oh, my  ... [More]


Bad and good

Both bad news and good (no, great) news. First the bad. I am feeling something of a sense of loss right at the moment. Something very dear has gone from my life: my sunglasses. My precious sunglasses. Very precious actually, more precious than I’d like to remember, so I’m trying to forget how much they  ... [More]


Olympics Olympics Olympics

Pictures: Channel 7 Big banners… international flags… …smoke… giant inflatable globes… does it get better than this? I think not. Well, Olympics fever has officially hit the country. Iris and I went to the Olympic soccer on Wednesday. Along with 93,250 of our closest friends, we squeezed into the MCG. There was a great atmosphere.  ... [More]