Telemarketers are starting to piss me off. They seem to be masters of ringing at precisely the wrong moment, though when I think about it, there is no right moment to be interrupted from what you’re doing to answer the phone because someone you don’t know wants to sell you something. Some of them, of ... [More]
I was going to write a lengthy diary entry tonight. Something deep from the heart. Something that would break the mould of all previous diary entries. Something thought provoking, stimulating, earth-shattering. A wake-up call to people everywhere. Something that could rock the foundations of western society. Something that could properly mark the beginning of the ... [More]
Daniel the letter-writer
Well honestly, Ron Walker is such amoney-hungry callous insensitive plonker. Why doesn’t my spell checker know the word plonker?
7:55am. I don’t know how the hell I did this, but last night in a moment of extreme unco-ordination, I bashed my right foot into a door frame. I hopped to bed shouting "fuck fuck fuck!" The worrying thing is that almost 8 hours later it still hurts. Sharp pain when I move two of ... [More]
No more Mr Nice Guy
I’ve just killed a spider. It think it was the big four-legged one I spotted a couple of days ago on the livingroom ceiling. At the time, it crawled off to a spot in the curtains, and I decided to let it stay, as long as it kept out of the way. But tonight it ... [More]
2:24am. Yeah it’s late, and I’m still up. I’m not even sure why. Time seems to stand still when I’m sitting at this keyboard, going through my mails, nosing around web pages, looking through the handful of Usenet groups I subscribe to. But while time seems like it’s standing still, it’s actually bloody racing by. ... [More]
Very useful, this SMS thing Last week I finally got my mobile phone fiddled with sufficiently to be able to send SMS messages. Actually, that would be better written as SMSs, since "SMS message" would stand for "short message service message", which while syntactically correct, does sound rather cumbersome. While it’s possible that any naff ... [More]
Doing battle with a spider
There aren’t really many dangerous spiders in Melbourne. The most common dangerous one is called a whitetail, and if you get a nip from one, you end up getting welty sore type things. Contrast this to the stuff they get up in Sydney like redbacks and funnelwebs, and the whitetail seems pretty tame in comparison. ... [More]
I had a bit of a clear out today. Admittedly I didn’t get very far towards my long-term goal of tidying up the house completely, but remember the longest journey begins with a single call to your travel agent. What is amazing is the little bits of memorabilia you can find when sorting through old ... [More]
The completed shower The shower got finished on Wednesday, which is good, because I was getting a bit tired of baths. Certainly they’re nice as a change, but not so good when you’re in a hurry. Speaking of baths, something half amusing, half embarrassing happened on Tuesday morning. I was getting out of the bath ... [More]
RIP Tim 1999-2001
The two surviving goldfish Bad news. Last night I noticed that one of the goldfish was… umm… sleeping with the fishes. I wasn’t sure if it was Tim, Bill or Graeme who had passed on to that great fishbowl in the sky, but in the morning Isaac let me know that it had been Tim. ... [More]
Ah, a nice relaxing bath. Can’t read the paper in the shower… Well, you kinda can, but it gets pretty wet. I just had my second bath of the year. That might not sound like many baths, but it’s more baths than I had in the whole of last year. Oh, don’t worry, I do ... [More]