
HOW much?!?

The house next door, which this morning sold for – gulp – just a tad less than half a million dollars. (Picture nicked from the real estate agent’s site) This morning the house next door was up for auction. I listened from my balcony. It’s a nice house, a lovely house in fact, on a  ... [More]


Notable stuff

It’s been a busy week for me. I can’t think of a great deal that’s overly interesting to write about – just a couple of notable incidents. On Wednesday evening I was driving home. Imagine my surprise when, on the opposite side of the highway, I see an electric wheelchair rolling down the road, with  ... [More]



This morning I was on my way into the city. I got to the station at 8:17, to find the 8:06 running a tad late. Not to worry, I was aiming for the 8:21, which couldn’t be far behind. Anyway the 8:06 was packed. Absolutely packed. No, really, I think I saw people crowd surfing  ... [More]



Last night I went down to Caulfield Police Station to get my divorce papers signed. All going smoothly, I’ll be Officially Single again in a few months. The jovial sergeant who witnessed me signing them reminded me of Alec Peters from The Bill, but actually his name was Paul something-or-other. After I signed, he got me  ... [More]



I’m not much of an anarchist. Okay, so the US government does have me down as the author of a hacking/phreaking journal. And I was quoted by the rather subversive earlier this year. But all that smash the state stuff? It’s not really for me. May the 1st is looming. This is significant for  ... [More]



After a lovely week of sunny days most of last week, it pissed down over most of the weekend. This was never more apparent when on Sunday night I was on my way to Fitzroy. I didn’t have the car. I was meeting someone at a pub, and as a rule, I like to have  ... [More]



Locked myself out of the car this morning. So I rang RACV for the second time in a week – I’m certainly getting my money’s worth this month. The guy got there ten minutes later, and using some very curious looking devices, unlocked it with amazing ease. Such ease that I think I’ll start always  ... [More]



Well, I finally watched The Matrix. On DVD, too. Yes, I have been thrust kicking and screaming into the world of DVD. I’d been pondering buying the same model that Josh has got, as had a bunch of his other friends. Well yesterday out of the blue he brought one to me. Plugged it in,  ... [More]



This morning I got into the car with the kids, turned the ignition key and… the car groaned, then I groaned. Yep, flat battery. Dammit. The lights weren’t left on, honest. So I rang the RACV. The bloke on the phone was cheerful, probably because it wasn’t his car that had broken down. 20-40 minutes,  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

F day

Last night, it happened. F day. My (almost) 6 year old son Isaac dropped his first four letter word. Dunno where he picked it up from (my guess is Childcare or school). We were discussing teeth, and I pointed out his new big tooth, and he said: "It’s fucked." I didn’t believe I’d heard right,  ... [More]


Breathe out

Well, it finally happened. Something I’ve been waiting three years for. I got breathalysed. On my way down North Road I saw them setting up on the opposite side, and when I came back, sure enough, there they were, Vic Police‘s finest, signalling people into lanes, getting them to blow into the bag, checking the  ... [More]


A merry time

Make it so! Trying out the Captain’s chair on the HMAS Vampire. Danielle on the HMAS Vampire,  pondering doing a Cher impression The ship engine speed indicator thingy. (Hergรƒยฉ – The Red Sea Sharks) (Weekend in Sydney continued) Danielle and I set off for central Sydney, stopping on the way to borrow a street directory  ... [More]