

The gentrification of my little suburb is continuing. The sea-themed paintings are on most of the telephone poles, al fresco dining is spreading, and today the ultimate: the railway station has gained a coffee shop.

This is one helluva good idea. After all, since the replacement of the ticket-selling human with machines, the booking office has been unused. The very prospect of a skinny lattรƒยฉ seems to have frightened off all the teenage yobs who, especially during the school holidays, tend to hang around the station.

Meanwhile in the city, the battle for the election of Lord Mayor has reached a new low, with the number of bad puns for hopeful candidate John So reaching epidemic proportions.

We’ve had "SO responsible" and "SO Melbourne"… now they’re plumbing the depths:

"Make it SO".

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.