Geek Net Retrospectives

Daniel’s diary FAQ

Where it came from What’s in it Where it’s going to Why this name Comments Other stuff Where it came from When I originally started writing and posting stuff to the Net (via e-mail and Usenet) in 1990, it was pretty much all off-the-wall “I wish I was a Python” surreal bizarro kind of stuff.  ... [More]


Dag Central

I just got home. Off with the work gear: trousers, jacket, shirt, tie. On with the clothing I wouldn’t be seen dead in: the trackie-dacks, that old red windcheater and the slippers. God help me if anybody drops by unexpectedly.

Consumerism Sport

Tipping and the clock

Last weekend’s footy tipping started off badly and didn’t much improve. 3 out of 8 was the final tally, surely bad enough to play havoc with my lead in the work competition and my equal first place in the other. But surprisingly, no! It seems that the unpredictable results affected most people in the same  ... [More]

Health TV

My Foetus

It had plenty of warnings about content, but I pity anybody channel flicked onto My Foetus last night. My sister encouraged me to watch it in part because a friend of hers was involved in it. Initially I thought I wouldn’t watch it, but eventually relented, with the proviso that I’d turn it off if  ... [More]

Here is my Memes rule, pass it on Photos

Here is the inside of my car

Here’s the inside of my car, not quite from the driver’s position. As usual, hold your mouse over stuff in the picture to read about them. (Anybody know why Firefox only shows the first few words — and can this be fixed?!) Want to post yours? Link in the Trackbacks or comments. Past photos in  ... [More]


A familiar face

The other day an old bloke got on the train at Spencer Street. He looked vaguely familiar. A station or two later I worked out who I thought it was. Major Grigsby! Griggers. My old year 12 co-ordinator*, probably long-since retired. I wasn’t sure until a few stops later when some kids from my old  ... [More]


Bada bing!

Heard a rumour on the grapevine earlier in the week that Sopranos DVDs can be found on special at the moment for about $35 per box set. I reckon it’s the best thing on TV at the moment, my favourite, so I dropped past JB’s tonight to pick them up. And there they were, seasons  ... [More]


Refund where credit’s due

Well I got a letter from apologising for it, and a $13.62 refund cheque!


28 days

I’ve been pondering what happened to the alarm clock I ordered through the credit cards award scheme. Damn, given the number of dollars I pumped through the card, they should be delivering it by courier, gift-wrapped within a day of ordering, calling me Sir when they do so and handing over a bonus gold bar.  ... [More]



The other night I had a dream that there was a hole in my thumb. Near the base, a slot about two millimetres long by perhaps five millimetres across. I could look through the hole and see inside my thumb. No blood, but a kind of weird mostly hollow structure, a bit like the inside  ... [More]



Laura was her name. It said so on her folder. She was on the train. Writing on her folder. In a very decorative script. Letter by letter. Surreptitiously, another guy and I looked on. As a sentence revealed itself. “I’d kill myself to make everybody pay.” Oh. Dark nails, dark eye makeup, dark clothes. Bag  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

The Matt factor

At a party on Saturday night, in a huddle with Marita, talking to Trish and a bloke walked up and spoke to Trish. He looked familiar. He looked like the bloke we met at Beth’s party a few weeks ago. But it couldn’t be, could it? Nah. This guy had a beard. Did the other  ... [More]