Here is my Photos

Here is my prize

With many thanks to Tony and Rae for organising the competition, the barbecue and taking this photo… here is me taking the footy tipping prize, as Marita looks on (probably glad she’s shot of it, but disappointed it’s not going further away). What have you won? Link in the Trackbacks or leave a comment. As  ... [More]


The survey part 2

Ron and Jeff’s lifestyle survey, part 2. (See part 1)

Culture TV


Some expressions I seem to have picked up but I’m not sure where they came from: Catch ya – Sign-off on the phone to some people, particularly when I’m in a hurry. Seems to be a contraction of “Catch ya later” Plugger – It was a once-off, but I still don’t know where it came  ... [More]

Culture Melbourne


The artworks on display seem to change every few weeks. A little while ago it was words created out of bread: “GREED” for example. This week it’s spinning black circles showing little animations through the gaps, like something from a Victorian-era side show. And live music today. Sometimes it’s a woman with a cello. Today  ... [More]


The hair

Yesterday at the tram stop at lunchtime was a woman with the most incredible hair. It went straight up, about 20cm off her scalp, and was dark red. A kind of big burgundy mohawk. She looked about 60, and was pushing a pram with (I assume) her grandson in it. As she walked along the  ... [More]



I had a dream on Friday night. For someone who doesn’t often remember dreams, it was quite startling in the amount of detail (and plot, for want of a better word). Staying overnight with Isaac, Jeremy and I at my house were my lovely Marita, my friends Tony and Rae, their daughter Phoebe, my sister  ... [More]

Here is my Photos

Here is my coffee mug

Here is my coffee mug at work. Theoretically it’s a coffee mug, but I don’t drink coffee. Post a picture of your mug! Link in the Trackbacks or comments. As usual, move your mouse over the picture for descriptions of various bits (note Firefox may abbreviate) Past photos in this series Notes on creating the  ... [More]


The survey part 1

I got one of those lifestyle surveys in the mail a while back. Rather than just throw it in the bin, I pondered who would be the most unusable respondent they could possibly get a reply back from? Why it would be Ron and Jeff, the two layabouts I wrote about several years ago. So  ... [More]

transport TV

Thunderbirds are go!

Ten points to the train driver the other night who announced something along the lines of: “Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Tonight we’ll be remembering the Thunderbirds. Shortly we’ll be touching down at the planet South Yarra, where voyagers for Sandringham galaxy can change. Then we’ll be travelling at warp speed, express to Caulfield, before  ... [More]

Home life


Sometimes I look at the big pile of dishes in the sink, and wish I had a dishwasher. But then, half the work of washing the dishes is to stack them up neatly, and clear the dish rack of previous loads. Even with a dishwasher, you still need to do this. And for the sake  ... [More]


How I became a Geelong supporter

Geelong beat the Bombers by ten points on Saturday night in a rain-soaked MCG. Next comes the Preliminary Finals, and it’s the Brisbane Lions, which isn’t going to be an easy one to win. I’m not the world’s biggest footy fan, but I do like to keep an eye on Geelong. It’s been a while  ... [More]

Here is my Photos transport

Here is my station

On this day 150 years ago, at 12:20pm, Australia’s first train service departed Flinders Street Station bound for Port Melbourne. With that in mind, here is my local railway station. This picture was taken on Friday morning. I actually use various stations around here depending on precisely where I’m going that day, but this is  ... [More]