Home life

The first payment

The first automated payment to my home loan went through yesterday, along with the first interest charge. As one might reasonably expect, but I had not previously quite appreciated, in one fell swoop the interest charge wiped out around 85% of the payment. Were I a more emotional person, I might have screamed in anguish  ... [More]

Home life

Problem solved

The locksmith came on Saturday and fitted shiny new locks, gleefully pointing out the deficiencies of the old ones. Then, with the benefit of a small metal tool from his locksmith’s opened the filing cabinet with the lost key, which took all of 2 seconds.

Melbourne News and events

Eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month

Remembrance Day at Flinders Street Station, 11am this morning. Two police stop the traffic. The crowd stops moving, and grows silent. A bugler plays The Last Post. A minute’s silence. Then the Rouse. A simple, yet moving commemoration for the war dead. Update 11/11/2013 — Revised pics, and fixed video.

Clothes Working life

Friday casual day

Sometimes I find Friday’s casual day a stress. I find normal weekdays easier — any idiot can look half-decent in an expensive suit. (Have I told you about my suit? It’s really nice. It was pricey though. It’s so expensive that it doesn’t have a pocket for small change. The makers must have presumed it  ... [More]

Home life

The key

It’s almost two weeks since I moved. When they were shifting the filing cabinet, the movers handed me the key for safe keeping. I put it somewhere safe. So safe than I still can’t find it. All the papers I immaculately filed over the past few weeks are locked away where I can’t get at  ... [More]


Speed-limit sign stupidity

This is one of the silliest things I’ve seen in quite some time… At my very rough estimate, the signs are about 20 metres apart. By my (admittedly sometimes dodgey) maths, driving at 40kmh you’d cover that ground in 1.8 seconds. (10 points to whoever guesses where it is.)


Dodging telemarketers

When I moved, I rang up the phone company to get my new number, which like the old one, is silent, to dodge telemarketers. I also asked if it was a fresh, unused number, and the operator said it hadn’t been used in five years. Excellent. And to avoid telemarketing calls, I’ve started quoting a  ... [More]

PTUA transport

The Age highlights transport

(Updated Sunday, and Monday) The Age has launched a major series of articles about the public transport system. Well worth reading. I (and the PTUA) don’t necessarily totally agree with the myriad of points of view expressed, but it’s good to see this debate getting the attention it deserves, which will hopefully convince the government  ... [More]

PTUA transport

Lightning strikes twice

Wednesday night’s trip home wasn’t particularly pleasant, with many trains running late, and lots more cancelled — three in a row for my station, in fact. Lots of waiting around and sardine-like conditions. But that’s nothing compared to Thursday morning, when storms caused a signal failure at Caulfield knocked out trains completely for about 90  ... [More]


Bentleigh’s restaurants

Zagarellis (Italian, Centre Road, Bentleigh) — Essentially over-priced for what it was: big serves of fairly ordinary (but edible) food. Companion’s dish arrived with the wrong type of pasta, and I’d have preferred smaller serves of nicer food. I hope there’s some better restaurants in Bentleigh, concealed in the sidestreets or something. At first glance  ... [More]

Home life

Period features

My house was built around about 1930-ish. Some period features that I particularly like: Most of the doorknobs are of an Art Deco style that reminds me of something out of Jeeves and Wooster every time I open a door. Most of the rooms have decorated deco ceilings. Thankfully the more recent insertion of heating  ... [More]

News and events


There was a time in my not too distant past when the very prospect of kids Trick or Treating on Halloween would have had me angrily shouting about American cultural imperialism. Maybe I’m mellowing. This past weekend the Bentleigh Shopping Centre organised a Halloween dress-up. Many participated, including my own children (though I didn’t organise  ... [More]