
Stand clear please

On Tuesday, I was working at home. My workmate Stanley needed to get some CDs off me. So I gave him instructions for getting to my local station, and said I’d meet him there. Good plan? Nothing simpler, right? Stanley had never been on a train before. Never. Trams yes, but not trains. Oh what  ... [More]



This morning I was on my way into the city. I got to the station at 8:17, to find the 8:06 running a tad late. Not to worry, I was aiming for the 8:21, which couldn’t be far behind. Anyway the 8:06 was packed. Absolutely packed. No, really, I think I saw people crowd surfing  ... [More]

Morons on the road transport

Phun with phones

A couple of years ago, I had a regular TCWF feature called "Moron of the Week". It showcased a particularly moronic driver I’d seen on the roads that week. People liked it, but I got tired of the concept. Tonight however, I spotted one. Getting off the tram to go home, a woman in a  ... [More]


Heading home

A few weeks ago we found ourselves heading home after dinner at a friend’s place, a few hours spent stuffing ourselves with food and wine. Not too many hours though; with a small child called Isaac in tow it’s not quite so easy to paint the town completely red, so we were heading back to  ... [More]


The guys from MET TRAM

Just something I’ve noticed… Why have our tram conductors started wearing high visibility jackets? Even during the day? With "MET TRAM" emblazoned across the back. Who do they think they are, FBI Agents? Armed Response Police? "Stand aside please citizens, MET TRAM coming through! All right, nobody move! Freeze scumbags! Tickets please!" Maybe it’s to  ... [More]