PTUA transport

How to make public transport run more smoothly

Including: Don’t come up with another half-baked transport plan! Click here to join the related Facebook group



I was going to rant about how the word “shuttle” is now added to bus services to make them sound more desirable, and that while the Skybus Super Shuttle, the express bus between Southern Cross Station and Melbourne Airport, is a shuttle, most of the others aren’t… including the Melbourne City Tourist Shuttle, the Western  ... [More]

PTUA transport

CPI and your Metcard

The Consumer Price Index for the year ended September 2008 was 5.0% — unusually high, for Australia. As the ABS says: This is the largest annual change since December quarter 1995, excluding the period associated with the introduction of the GST. This figure is used as the basis for the increase in public transport fares  ... [More]

Melbourne transport

Parking on the pavement

It’s easy to see why motorcycles are offered free kerb parking around the CBD. They take up less space on the road, and (with typically one rider, not much difference to the 1.22 average people per car) burn less fuel and generate less emissions than cars (though more per person than public transport, cycling or  ... [More]

Politics and activism transport

Who to vote for, part 2

This survey of candidates was not on behalf of the PTUA. I’ve got responses back from four of the council candidates for Tucker ward in Glen Eira. All four responded positively when asked about transport (in particular public transport) issues. A number of them highlighted the issue of a lack of direct bus service from  ... [More]

Morons on the road transport

Look out before you step out

A reminder in this morning’s paper of why you should look before you step out of a tram: The 12.14am kid arrives, the blue light case. The paramedics got him in quicker than 15 minutes. He’s a mess. He’s collided with a car allegedly travelling 70 km/h in Preston as he stepped out of a  ... [More]


Eastlink’s snarls are by design

From today’s Herald Sun: Eastlink labelled a disaster A NEW report has told us what motorists already know – the southern end of EastLink is a traffic disaster. … Toll company ConnectEast is suffering a $227,000 a day shortfall in EastLink tolls it expected to rake in. Trading in the company’s shares remains halted ahead  ... [More]


Have you ever been to Unknown LineID [11]?

“Change here for Unknown LineID [11].” You know, I don’t think I’ve ever been to Unknown LineID [11]. It sounds like a delightful part of the world. To my surprise, it didn’t happen just once.


Only $330 million?

From Hansard — Public transport: automatic ticketing I refer the Minister for Transport to his statement in today’s Herald Sun newspaper that: “Perhaps with 20/20 hindsight we may have tackled things in another way and not signed a contract for a system that had not been trialled anywhere else in the world.” Given this extraordinary  ... [More]

Geek Health Home life Melbourne Politics and activism transport

Half-finished posts

It’s time for a clearout. Here’s a bunch of posts I wrote but never got around to posting. In some cases I intended to research them a bit more before publishing, so beware they may be a little half-arsed. Backwards There were claims and counter-claims during the Kororoit byelection campaign (June 2008). I suppose Les  ... [More]

PTUA transport

Going loopy (or not)

From today there were changes to the City Loop. Clifton Hill trains are now running clockwise all day on weekdays (though oddly anti-clockwise on weekends, just to keep people guessing) and Werribee trains are running direct via Southern Cross and Flinders Street in peak hours, bypassing the loop. Is there angst about this? You bet.  ... [More]


The rally

The rally on Sunday was good. At least a couple of hundred rowdy residents protesting against the proposed $8 billion (or $9 billion, or maybe more) road tunnel proposal. I had prepared some notes, but sure enough, didn’t follow them when I spoke. I never do. Of course, the act of preparing notes lets me  ... [More]