Poor pictogram man; he’s obviously in a state of complete despair over the loss of his car. I wonder if he’s based on someone real? Has anybody compiled a web site of unlucky pictogram people? That’d be a fun project. Actually maybe he didn’t lose his car. Maybe he just got outbid on the signed ... [More]
Category: Photos
Photos, pictures etc
Every time I pass this mural in Glen Huntly, I wonder if the grinning face is meant to be anybody in particular. This sounds like brutal honesty to me — perhaps they’re just not that good. Surely this can’t be good for your tyres.
Footscray Park, half-an-hour ago…
A few pics
Nice bit of product placement there, Priceline. (They’re not just in the same aisle, they’re virtually opposite each other.) If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth half doing: This advert for VoteMyPet.com.au (promotion for Advocate, a product of Bayer) was nailed to a tree in the park. You reckon they had permission from Kingston Council ... [More]
Almost hidden away in the bottom of The Nicholas Building is the Cathedral Arcade. I can’t say I frequent the quaint shops in there — I just use it as a shortcut — but that ceiling is quite amazing.
Sunday afternoon, waiting for the 6:40. Yes, people with grey hair use laptops too. “Mind the gap” is something familiar to Londoners (where some of the gaps really are worth minding), but this warning has recently shown up at Footscray. Monday the 16th was not a good day on the Frankston line. I didn’t have ... [More]
A few pics
It’s nice that the all-new Jazz has come to town… but which town? Judging from the poster, London, apparently, not Melbourne. The order’s Roll. Beef Roll. Bless ’em, they’re trying their best to stop any redundancy redundancy. No. You don’t understand. IT DOESN’T APPLY TO ME. (Mind you, with people apparently continually parking on it, ... [More]
A few pictures
Apparently Jay has a bowel movement. Not sure why he feels the need to immortalise it on his licence plate though. There can be few things less appetising in the supermarket than this: Ham & chicken flavoured knob. Grand Theft Panto? (Sorry, a little joke for the gunzels.) By the way, my old car finally ... [More]
A few pictures from Friday. Bentleigh station, 9am. Collins Place, 9:30am — The fog had lifted a bit in the city, but it was still evident a few hundred metres up. Swanston Street, 1:30pm — By lunchtime it was quite hazy. Swanston Street, entrance to Chinatown, 7pm — In the evening it got cold and ... [More]
It’s great having a phone with a half-decent camera. It’s nowhere near as good as my “real” camera, but because I almost always have the phone with me, I can snap photos anywhere, almost no matter what I’m doing: And because a phone doesn’t look like a camera, even dogs of a nervous disposition, such ... [More]
King of the Coke!
Some pictures snapped in the last few days… I’ve never seen them have to explain what Happy Hour is before Pah, I’m not even going to try Hands up who remembers Stacks of Slax from The Late Show? Alas, they’ve just closed down.