Memes rule, pass it on

Too much. Overused. Over it.

Made with KeepCalm-O-Matic (Disappointed to discover I’m not the first to think of this.)

Culture Memes rule, pass it on

How Aussie are you?

From the Suz’s Space blog, this is the How Aussie Are You Meme. I’ll leave the “No”s blank. I like that it’s got a nice mix of bush and urban stuff, and some culture in there too. 1. Heard a kookaburra in person. — yep. 2. Slept under the stars. — lain awake yes, slept  ... [More]

Memes rule, pass it on music

One artist challenge

I’m only doing this ‘cos (a) Rae tagged me (a while back) and (b) I had a smartarse answer for the first question. The ONE ARTIST Challenge ! Choosing only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to 15 people you like and include me. You can’t use the band  ... [More]

Doctor Who Memes rule, pass it on

Doctor Who birthdate game

Just a game I thought of: what Doctor Who episode aired on or closest to your birthday? Check this list to find out. (I guess those born before 1963 or in the 90s will probably gravitate to one of two episodes…) Me: Inferno, episode 7 (third Doctor, 1970). This was a classic slow burn story  ... [More]

Memes rule, pass it on

Significant Other

Sometimes memes are just irritating. For instance that “25 things you may not know about me” one. A few friends have done it. I’m not going to. You already got seven things out of me, and fer chrissake there’s 15 years of blog posts people can read if they want to find more. I did  ... [More]

Memes rule, pass it on music

Alphabetical music meme

For those so inclined, here’s a music meme. Take your iPod, or alternative daggy unfashionable non-Apple MP3 player, or even your music collection on your computer. Pick a song, maybe one you like at the moment, doesn’t really matter which one. Using the alphabetic list of songs in your iPod/player/computer, list that song and the  ... [More]

Memes rule, pass it on

Seven things you may or may not know about me

I was tagged by Patrick: Seven things you may or may not know about me. I’ve been blogging for a while, so you might think there’s nothing left that’s unknown about me, but in reality only a fraction of my life appears on my blog. That said I may struggle to think of things that  ... [More]

Memes rule, pass it on

Animal meme

I was tagged by Clay for an animal meme. Though I suspect these answers won’t be terribly interesting. An interesting animal I had… I don’t currently have any pets. In the past it was goldfish and cats, and when I was very young, budgies. The one I had the longest was Sooty the cat, who  ... [More]

Geek Memes rule, pass it on

Help an evil genius

My friend Greg is on a quest to become an evil genius. He spotted an abandoned missile base for sale on ebay, and is trying to raise the money to buy it. He writes: “People have donated to help some ditz pay off her credit cards, some kid go to college, some stripper get breast  ... [More]

Here is my

Here is my backyard

It’s not a big backyard, but I was never going to be able to afford a big property in the suburbs I wanted. Oh well, there’s a large park quite nearby. The fence isn’t really that crooked. It’s a trick of the photo stitching software. Likewise, this picture makes the backyard look pretty microscopic. It  ... [More]

Consumerism Here is my Home life

Here is my couch

Here, looking very posed, is a piccy of me on my new couch, which arrived on Saturday. Super-comfortable. Feels quite high off the ground, compared to the old, saggy one (which hopefully some lucky Freecycler will want). None of the pictures taken quite captures the colour exactly, but this one is as close as any  ... [More]

Here is my Home life

Here is my grass

This is the nature strip outside my house. I leave it alone apart from organising to get it mowed every so often. All it gets is (comparatively rare) rain water. It’s lush and green. I don’t know why. This is my front lawn. It gets some greywater, and a regular mowing, but is otherwise left  ... [More]