
Everyday exercise

It’s 10 minutes walk from home to the station. And 10 from the station to work (unless I go via Flinders Street). All good exercise. But of course most of the benefits of exercise don’t kick in until you’ve done 20ish sustained minutes. Maybe they should fit treadmills in the train? I suppose if it’s  ... [More]

Health Home life

A day at home

Unexpected day at home today: I felt sick overnight, and didn’t sleep at all well. Possibly a repeat of my last house move. Checked the fridge to find I was out of my preferred “feeling sick” drink, lemonade. Thankfully Marita was on hand to get some from the milkbar down the street. Just as last  ... [More]

Culture Health

Near death experiences

A couple of weeks ago I caught a programme on Compass about near death experiences. (Compass may be billed as a religious show, but contrary to what you might think, isn’t always deadly dull and boring. They have some quite interesting stuff.) I’ve long been interested in what might be out there after death. The  ... [More]

Health Home life


A few weeks ago I bought a new peeler. Yesterday I found out how sharp it is, when it left the carrot I was peeling, and had a go at my finger instead. Ouch. A wash and several bandaids later, the blood had stopped soaking through.



Blargh. I have a cold. I could feel it coming on yesterday afternoon… the tell-tale throat (itchy, then sore), the sneezing, the lack of energy. It took hold last night. So another day off work. Jeremy was sick on Tuesday; Isaac and I today. I’m sure it would be economically better for me if everyone  ... [More]

books Health

Thank you Harry Potter

Thank you Harry Potter and JK Rowling, for knocking bloody Dan Brown off the top of the best seller list at last. On another topic, read a very interesting article on how to prolong your life. The 13-point plan at the bottom of the second page is particularly interesting. Now, where in this house might  ... [More]



Okay, this New Year’s resolution isn’t really happening: To consistently get 8 hours’ sleep a night. Last night I got to bed appallingly late for a school night. Ditto on Wednesday, and I forgot to set the alarm, so I (and everyone else) woke on Thursday morning around 8am. Still managed to get us all  ... [More]

Health Home life


The kids did a walkathon for their school on Thursday, each racking up six laps of the 1km circuit. Not bad at all, and all for a good cause. But it does remind me of the issues of of exercise like this. Done regularly, long walks like this are good. Done occasionally, bad. I try  ... [More]

Food'n'drink Health

The headache

I had a headache the other day. Paracetomol didn’t help. Lying down for a rest didn’t help. A cup of tea… that made it go away. Ahhh… tea.

Film Health


Sometimes I get blood noses, especially during the summer. One of those “I’ll mention it to the doctor next time” things. Occasionally it’s quite spectacular, such as recently when I got a blood nose in the shower. It was like my own personal Psycho. Yesterday I came out of the shower, dried myself off, went  ... [More]


Foaming at the mouth

So far, I have pretty much kept my new year’s resolution to floss my teeth every single day. I think I might have missed one, which for someone who formerly flossed about once a month (and twice a week just before seeing the dentist) isn’t too bad. Have also extended tooth brushing times. I recall  ... [More]



I’ve been going to the same dental surgery for the last ten years or so, every 6-8 months. It should be every 6, but in practice I tend to wait until they ring me to make an appointment (what, like I’d WANT to go?), and so it usually ends up at about 8. The actual  ... [More]